Multiple Headcrabs Created 14 years ago2010-01-02 07:21:56 UTC by claytonbarton claytonbarton

Created 14 years ago2010-01-02 07:21:56 UTC by claytonbarton claytonbarton

Posted 14 years ago2010-01-02 07:21:56 UTC Post #277208
Hey guys,
So I'm trying to make it so that my new npc, based off of the ncp_zombine.cpp spawns multiple headcrabs (say 5 for example) when the new npc dies.

I looked through the Poison Zombie code and it looks like the headcrabs spawned when the Zombie dies are actually based of the attatchments it already has on it's back, which really isn't of much help.

I tried a few things after looking through some of the other npc files such as npc_baszombie, poison zombie, and the zombine, but I just couldn't find a solution.

All I need is for the amount of spawned headcrabs to be changed from one to five when a zombie is killed (I'm trying to create an NPC whose back explodes when it is killed, and snark like creatures evacuate from the corpse to attack the player).

I'm not really sure how to go about this, although I'm guessing it'll have something to do with headcrabRelease_t in npc_BaseZombie.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-02 09:20:46 UTC Post #277209
Code wise I don't know but I'd just decompile the zombie model, add bone attachments (real easy) and then re-compile and change code to same as poison zombie.
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