Npc_crow info_node_hint problem Created 14 years ago2010-04-10 07:11:23 UTC by nik_cool22 nik_cool22

Created 14 years ago2010-04-10 07:11:23 UTC by nik_cool22 nik_cool22

Posted 14 years ago2010-04-10 07:11:23 UTC Post #280393
I got a problem. I have a Npc_crow Named crow1 with it's hint group value set to flyto1. I have a info_node_hint laying on a nodraw texture with it's hint group value set to flyto1, and it's hint value set to Crow: fly to point, and a output saying:on npc start using, trigger Crow_sequence, begin scripting. I have a scripted_sequence named Crow_sequence, with it's target npc value set to crow1, the action animation is set to eat_a, and it have a output called: on end sequence, target crow1, flyaway, I have the flags; override AI, and No interruptions ticked. I have a trigger_once that ontrigger, targets template_crow(wich is a point_template with the template 1 value set to crow1), forcespawn.

I also have some info_node_air's between the bird and the info_node_hint
I want the crow to forcespawn when triggered by the trigger_once, fly to the info_node_hint wich are laying on a nodraw texture brush. Then i want it to play the scripted_sequence, when the script is done, i want it to fly away to another info_node_hint on another nodraw texture (only if scared by player)

This is what happens: The trigger_once forcespawn the crow with the Point_template(worked). The bird forcespawns and fly to the info_node hint(and then it goes wrong), the bird try to land on the info_node_hint, but instead of landing, it just starts bouncing around near the node_hint, failing to land on it. After a few seconds of bouncing it plays the scripted_sequence, and then it starts bouncing again.

Posted 14 years ago2010-04-10 07:15:18 UTC Post #280395
crows and other birds are very hard to do using info_node_hints. I find the best solution is to use path_corners to plot their route, and make it long and complex enough to not seem so obviously scripted.
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-10 07:39:27 UTC Post #280396
Thank you:D Can you tell me how to set it up?
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-10 08:26:16 UTC Post #280397
Not off the top of my head- give me a few minutes.
Okay, make your first path_corner normally, and set the Target Path Cornet ('target' with smartedit off) of the NPC to the first path. Then set the next stop target of the first path_corner to what the second will be (if it's crow1_path1, then you want it to be crow1_path2) copy and paste, renaming the name/targetname and next path fields as you go as needed. For the final one, set it to target the first path, and it'll be a loop. That should be all you need.
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-10 10:45:20 UTC Post #280402
I'll see if that works when I get home.
I'm on a visit at my cousin, I'll be back today.
Doesn't that make it start on spawn? I also want it to do a script at the first Path_corner. Is that just adding a scripted_sequence and make it trigger the next path_corner at the end of sequence, or is it harder than that?
Thank you :D
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-10 15:31:14 UTC Post #280403
What should i trigger to make the crow fly to the path_corner?
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-10 16:56:58 UTC Post #280408
Start the crow as asleep and send it a Wake input when you want it to start flying, provided that you've set it's 'Target path_corner' keyvalue. Note that this will start the crow hidden/frozen and it appears when you wake it up so make sure it starts in an area the player can't see.

You can have script events fired from the first path_corner by adding OnPass outputs to the path_corner.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-11 15:58:16 UTC Post #280434
Those Stupid Crows!!! I give up, can't keep on trying forever.
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