help to made a door opens whit two butto Created 14 years ago2010-07-18 19:43:08 UTC by Cstrikeman Cstrikeman

Created 14 years ago2010-07-18 19:43:08 UTC by Cstrikeman Cstrikeman

Posted 14 years ago2010-07-18 19:44:29 UTC Post #283153
hi to all (long time I off)
I need to know , to open a door via two buttons
(door, multimanager and two buttons)
but I cant find way
thanks for help (its for half life old version)
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-18 20:18:16 UTC Post #283155
Well, for example, create a door called door, a button called button1, and another called button2. Place down a multimanager called multi1. When you have these,you turn off smartedit in the multi's properties, and add a key called door, with the value 0. After this, you set the target of the two buttons multi1. I may provide you a fully working example map.


You can download the compiled .bsp file and the .rmf file. It works both in Half-Life and Counter-Strike, and nearly any mod.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-18 20:32:44 UTC Post #283156
thank you very much for faster answer and helpulf example ^^
I think I put the exact question (the door only can open via the TWo buttons at same time)
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-19 01:26:33 UTC Post #283163
something similar can be achieved with a multisource - it works the opposite way as multimanager does - their method is the same, though. You have to add the key values of the buttons, and the target (door), and name it.


However, I don't know if it would be possible to make such thing. It would be only useful for multiplayer maps, though, but hey, why not?
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 09:05:55 UTC Post #283247
Sorry to piggy-back on someone else's thread, but seeing as though it's been answered and my question is sort of related...

Is it possible to keep a door open for however long the trigger is activated for? All I can find is hard-coded "delay before reset" values, and if I set that to zero, the door keeps shutting and opening again rather than staying open for the whole duration.

Thanks in advance.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 09:16:07 UTC Post #283249
Set Delay before reset to -1.

The door should then wait to be re-triggered before closing again.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 09:23:23 UTC Post #283250
Oh really? Thanks!

Would that not be useful in the entity guides on here?
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 09:59:57 UTC Post #283251
@ Cstrikeman: So you want the door to open only if the two buttons are pressed at the same time (give or take a couple seconds)?

@ Hunteh and ManlyStump: There's no need to set the Delay before reset property, just leave it at its default value or whatever. What you need to do to make the door close when re-triggered is to check the Toggle flag on the Flags tab. The Delay before reset value is ignored when the Toggle flag is checked.

@ Tracker: Here's a tip for you and everyone else: don't name entities if you're not going to reference (trigger/fire/call) them using any trigger. This saves memory and potential game resources.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 10:27:19 UTC Post #283253
Hmm, set the delay before reset to -1, and checked the toggle flag, the door stays open no matter what. Any idea what that might be?
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 10:56:58 UTC Post #283254
Change the delay before reset to anything but -1.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 11:01:03 UTC Post #283255
Sorry, I wasn't clear last time. I tried those two methods independently; the delay before reset was 0 when I tried the toggle flag.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 11:07:41 UTC Post #283256
Set it to a positive value.
And you may need to check the toggle flag of the button as well.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 11:11:23 UTC Post #283257
It's a trigger_multiple, which doesn't have toggle. How could you hold down a button?
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 11:26:28 UTC Post #283258
In that case nevermind.

It should work though. Let me try it in a quick map real fast.

Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 11:30:51 UTC Post #283259
I can't see any reason why it wouldn't work, it would seem a logical bit of functionality to have. (To me anyway...)
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 11:37:57 UTC Post #283260
Well it works fine for me.
Make sure the delay before reset of the trigger_multiple isn't set too high. The door won't be retriggered after that time has passed.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 11:50:12 UTC Post #283262
Okay, I've got a new map with just two entities.

Name: Door
Delay before Close: 1
Flags: Toggle

Target: Door
Delay before reset: 3

If I stand in the trigger area, the door toggles between open and closed every 3 seconds. If I walk through the trigger, the door will stay open, until I walk through the trigger again. I want it to close on the event of me leaving the trigger area. :s
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 13:46:09 UTC Post #283266
I don't think there's an entity that allows that. Perhaps you can do it with triggers, like an inside and outside trigger.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 13:49:18 UTC Post #283267
I used a two buttons (button1 button2)
targeting the multimanager (named multi1)
targeting the door (called door1)
I want to open the door two players (like in sven coop)
but my tries are so ****
thanks to all :)
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 14:29:53 UTC Post #283269
Cstrikeman, you don't use a multimanager for that. you use a multisource ;) . Have both buttons target multi1, and the multi1 to target door1.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 14:59:54 UTC Post #283271
That's really annoying if that is the case. Unfortunately I want to be able to open it with either the player or an object, so the inside and outside thing won't work :(
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 16:31:54 UTC Post #283275
If you want to trigger it with an object, thats much easier to do.
All you need are two func_pushables and two trigger_multiples with their Pushables flags checked. And of course a multisource that checks whether both pushables are touching the trigger which eventually allows the door to open.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 16:36:26 UTC Post #283276
thanks Atom
O_o im lost, explain better I dont got nothing =(
or put a example pleaseee :)
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-20 16:38:26 UTC Post #283277
Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have used this thread for my question. Things seem to be getting confused...
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-21 08:35:54 UTC Post #283304
Cstrikeman, my last post was directed at Manly, not you.

Let this be a lesson, if you have a question that's very similar, just create a new thread.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-21 08:57:45 UTC Post #283305
Yes sorry, I should have created a new thread. By the sounds of it though what I want isn't even possible, so I guess there's no point making one now.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-21 10:13:47 UTC Post #283308
Actually, maybe its possible.
All you need are two func_pushables and two trigger_multiples with their Pushables flags checked. And of course a multisource that checks whether both pushables are touching the trigger which eventually allows the door to open.
Try it and when you're having problems getting it to work, create a thread about it.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-21 11:13:49 UTC Post #283309
I'm sorry but that's not actually want I need. Cstrikeman is the one with two triggers to open his door, I just want one trigger than can be activated by either the pushable or the player. But crucially, as soon as the trigger is empty, the door closes again.

The best analogy I can think of is the first chamber of Portal, where Chell uses the weighted storage cube to hold down the button which releases the door. As soon as the button is depressed the door shuts again. That effect is basically what I want.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-21 13:27:38 UTC Post #283310
See, that's why we're all getting confused. :/

It's really hard to do such a thing. It's likely you'll end up with the door open with the player outside the trigger. What if you step out of the trigger while the door is still moving up? Or what if the door closes while you quickly move back inside the trigger?

It's gonna be a pain in the butt to get that synchronized. In Source this would work just fine (gotta love the IO system).

So, i would advise you to drop this and think of something else.
Posted 14 years ago2010-07-21 14:01:02 UTC Post #283311
Ah crud. Well, thanks for trying to help anyway.
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