Mutiple ?'s Created 13 years ago2011-03-16 23:16:14 UTC by Fi3nD Fi3nD

Created 13 years ago2011-03-16 23:16:14 UTC by Fi3nD Fi3nD

Posted 13 years ago2011-03-16 23:16:14 UTC Post #291845
I got a few questions:
1. How to give a player more then 100 health?
(I tried a trigger_hurt -#, it worked but didn't give the player health over 100, basically it healed him.)

2. Making a player glow a certain color.
(look around got frustrated looking for tuts.)

3. Making a player screen turn a tint of green.
(look around got frustrated looking for tuts.)

4. Striping weapons an giving knife back.
(I got it to strip a players weapon but for some reason the player_equip wont work, the outputs:

OnStartTouch - player_weaponstrip - strip
OnEndTouch - player_equip

using a trigger_multiple for this.)

5. making a box around the player that no else or the player can get in or out of, for like 5 secs.
(I have a idea how i can make it but i'm not 100% sure.)
thx for your help.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-17 00:46:15 UTC Post #291847
1. I'm quite sure you can't do that without tinkering with the source code and recompiling into your own mod.

2. What do you mean glow a door? Don't you mean blow? In that case, func_breakable is the easy way out, though there can be more elaborate setups.

3. Same as 1.

4. Perhaps you've set something wrong in the player_equip?

5. func_wall_toggle
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-17 12:13:06 UTC Post #291864
1. You can probably do this with the trigger_hurt, but the health display on the hud will always show 100 regardless. If you want it to show above 100, you'll need to code it.

2. No idea. Probably possible with custom code. Also, @DiscoStu: Glow a door? Who said anything about a glowing a door? Fi3nD did'nt.

3. Use the env_fade entity.

4. It should work, im guessing you're either missing something or you're using incorrect outputs.

5. First of all, there's no func_wall_toggle entity in Source. Use the func_brush entity instead. It's basically a 3 into 1 entity. It has the functionality of a func_illusionary, func_wall and func_wall_toggle. None of these entities exist in Source as they all have been replaced with the func_brush entity.
The Mad Carrot The Mad CarrotMad Carrot
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-17 15:32:47 UTC Post #291869
Oops. I was pretty sure I read "door", which of course didn't make sense. My bad.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-28 00:58:43 UTC Post #292570
1. Only by modifying the Source code. My mod currently lets you level up, and each time increases your Max health. If you have a grasp of C++ at all I can aid you.

2. You mean the actual player model? Or having any type of glow sprite (what have you) around the player? The easiest way would be to code your own function, but I know the I/O system has the ability to render props different colors at your whim, might apply to Player models if you used the !activator function.

3. Env_fade was mentioned, but I never knew it could do colors other than black. If that doesn't work, you could always used env_screenoverlay entity and create your own green texture to use with it.

4. If the player_equip doesn't work, use a point_servercommand with your trigger to just give the !activator any weapon of your choice.

5. Easily done with the Func_brush entity. Just toggle it with a trigger after 5 seconds, too easy.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-07 03:09:10 UTC Post #293153
1. trigger_once > output : OnTrigger >!activator > AddOutput > health 500

2. trigger_once > output : OnTrigger >!activator > Color > 255(red) 255(green) 255(blue)

3. Ya not possible, only way is to effect everyones screen color.

got the last 2 right hahah.

Just incase people would like to know,
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-20 03:56:48 UTC Post #293738
1. I haven't tried it in source but it works in goldsrc so give it a try. Make an invisible door a little higher than a player and a trigger_multiple under it. Have the trigger multiple make the func_door direction move down on touch and set the damage if blocked to -999 or however much. Trigger_hurts only heal when set to negative damage.
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