Hackers Created 12 years ago2011-08-14 03:41:37 UTC by X-LAyer2 X-LAyer2

Created 12 years ago2011-08-14 03:41:37 UTC by X-LAyer2 X-LAyer2

Posted 12 years ago2011-08-14 03:41:37 UTC Post #297911
I never really had a bad problem with hackers on any game on PC but I also play a lot of Xbox 360 games as my machine isn't powerful enough to handle more than Portal 2. The first time I loaded up the Orange Box, my very first time it was on Xbox and boom, hackers. Nowadays that doesn't anger me much because I don't play TF2 on my 360 anymore now that I got it on PC.

Now there's a new epidemic of hackers and a couple of my other favorite games. Call of Duty: World at War and Modern Warfare. Now before somebody jumps down my throat about CoD, I am not a fanboy and in-fact the thing I hate most about the games are the community around it. Anyway World at War was my first FPS and I liked that CoD more than any other. Of course now I can't play and it pisses me off and makes me wonder why? Why do people feel the need to ruin the experience of other players who just want to have fun playing a game they love.

This isn't just about CoD now, it's about all games that have ever had a hacking problem. I wasn't around during Half-Life's release but does anyone else know if it's MP ever had a hacker problem. I'm glad it doesn't now anyway because I probably play that the most out of all MP games.
Posted 12 years ago2011-08-14 03:54:37 UTC Post #297912
Posted 12 years ago2011-08-14 03:57:26 UTC Post #297913
I'd like to state that I have no idea what you're talking about.
Posted 12 years ago2011-08-14 04:03:35 UTC Post #297914
I'm just ranting about hackers and how they piss me off.
Posted 12 years ago2011-08-14 04:39:19 UTC Post #297916
Actually, half-life had a hacker problem before. When they were making HL2, somebody hacked it, and they ended up removing the Lost Coast section.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2011-08-14 04:46:06 UTC Post #297918
Since Valve got their shit together with Steam about, oh, 5 years ago and really improved VAC, it isn't really an issue on their games anymore unless you play on an unprotected server.
Way back when I first started online gaming about 9 years ago with CS 1.5 and Elite Force, it was atrocious. Basically one out of every three servers you played on would have several speed hackers and such.

As a PC Gamer pretty much exclusively (I have a 360 and a Wii, but both are gathering dust somewhere not even connected to a TV) I don't think I've really encountered a major problem with it at all recently, though.

Bad Company 2 had a few aimbot exploits back when it was first released, but punkbuster isn't actually as rubbish as it used to be, and you normally get a pretty good game on it now.

In fact, I think the only game I still play which has a cheater problem is GTAIV, and nobody plays that competetively anyway, so why complain? :P
Actually, half-life had a hacker problem before. When they were making HL2, somebody hacked it, and they ended up removing the Lost Coast section.
By hacker he means cheater, not an actual hacker. The term has been used instead of "cheater" for as long as I've played video games. No idea why.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2011-08-14 04:47:28 UTC Post #297919
Dimbark, the HL2 Beta leak was leaked by a hacker, but first of all that's not the type of hacker this is about and second of all, Lost Coast was a tech demo Valve made to show off the Source engine's HDR rendering.
Posted 12 years ago2011-08-14 04:50:16 UTC Post #297920
No, Dimbark's right. Lost Coast was originally part of the main HL2 storyline. It was later released as a tech demo in the run up to ep1.

Also, edit blocked:
In my opinion what's more annoying than actual cheaters is people who accuse other people of being cheaters. When I was really in my prime at CSS, clanned up with tuna (some of you will remember tuna and how he destroyed my de_splinter2 tournament by being disastrously good) we got accused of hacking several times a night. It really starts to wear thin.

Not saying you're one of those people, X-LAyer2, just pointing it out ;D
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2011-08-14 04:55:33 UTC Post #297921
Yes, I was about to correct myself on the Lost Coast facts but my edit was blocked, but I'm not sure if Lost Coast was even leaked, was it?

Also yes, I hate people who call you a hacker with no reason but sometimes the people are hacking and it's oblivious. Like one of the most common TF2 hacks I've seen is one engineer setting up 15 sentries, or in CoD's case people flying around taking entire magazines worth of ammo. I've been accused of hacking my fair share of times and it annoys me too.
Posted 12 years ago2011-08-14 05:02:48 UTC Post #297922
we got accused of hacking several times a night. It really starts to wear thin.
This. Unfortunately I have to actually dumb down my senses to a level that won't seem 'bullshit' to other people, If I'm walking down hall in dust2 and I hear somebody walking up behind me I'll gauge if they're close enough to be a imminent threat or I'll keep going ahead into B, pretending I don't know they're there and playing dumb until a 'convenient' moment for me to actually turn around and shoot them, because unfortunately if you just suddenly whip around and headshot them they WILL call bullshit on it.

I'm shit at 1.6 but whenever I play CS:S I have to play dumb all the time because otherwise people are just going to call bullshit all the time. Doesn't matter if you located them by sound, by instinct or radar. They just don't give a fuck. More often then not the logistical\tactical part of my brain does a check-in and reminds me I haven't looked behind me in a while and I turn around, oh apparently there's a enemy there. So you just completely randomly turn around and shoot them. They call bullshit.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 12 years ago2011-08-14 05:38:36 UTC Post #297924
No, Dimbark's right.
That must be the first time I've ever heard that.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2011-08-14 07:34:34 UTC Post #297928
I understand what you're talking about X-LAyer2, none of the call of duty games are fun anymore because of the endless stream of 10 year old hackers. Halo games are alright because Bungie gives a fuck and actually bans players for hacking, but Infinityward and Treyarch don't.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 12 years ago2011-08-14 09:29:44 UTC Post #297933
CS/HL servers VAC protected? hahaha please

I know hacks that can own the entire server and no VAC or anything can detect them.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
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