Op4/Bshift NPC's/Monsters in HL Created 12 years ago2012-02-22 07:40:13 UTC by ashephard ashephard

Created 12 years ago2012-02-22 07:40:13 UTC by ashephard ashephard

Posted 12 years ago2012-02-22 07:40:13 UTC Post #303616
Hey guys, I haven't posted in a while, begun lots of large maps and never got around to finishing them. Back now with a simple map idea so I can get it finished and display my work to the community before uni resumes.

The fatal flaw in my plan was that I forgot that pit drones are a Race-X monster, which I need in my map for it to work, as well as Otis, for cosmetic reasons.

Would it just be easier for me to make the map for Blue Shift, even though not many people have the mod, and I'm already half way through building it.. can I just swap the .FGD?

Anyone out there have a solution to my problem? I couldn't find anything related when searching.

Thanks in advance
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-22 09:35:24 UTC Post #303618
Pit drones are not in blue shift, only opfor.

That said, it depends on if the player actually need to fight or interact with otises and pit drones. If yes, the easiest way is to switch over to op4. If not, these npcs can be faked with monster generics. I think a fair number of ppl have op4. Swapping fgd's should not cause any problems, although U don't really need to swap to be able to place a monster_otis or monster_pitdrone, just rename amy point entity to monster_otis amd an otis will appear in ur map if u load it in op4.
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-22 10:45:39 UTC Post #303619
Oh really? I swear the level where an unlimited amount of pit drones charge out from darkness, and so you need to turn a wheel to close blast doors to stop the attack.

That's basically the idea I'm going for in my map. So I can't just use monster generics. I might be able to get away with Otis however.

Yeah from what I've heard, Op4 is more common than blue shift, but the story behind my map wouldn't work if I wasn't Freeman/Calhoun or such other black mesa employee/ally.

Is there any other way?
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-22 11:30:42 UTC Post #303620
You could make them using custom code and release the map as a small mod.
You could replace the pit drone with something that was in HL.

Other than that, you'd need to use Op4.
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-22 12:04:27 UTC Post #303621
Hmm well what monster is most similar to a pit drone? I'm thinking bullsquid?
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-22 18:16:14 UTC Post #303627
I happen to have the sourcecode for the pitdrone, i can put a custom game dll together with the pitdrone AI added for you. That way you don't have to switch to Opposing Force.

Now before you ask me if i want to add more monsters, note that i barely have any C++ knowledge, but i do know how to add pre made monsters source file to the SDK and set it all up.

I also have the gonome if you want it.

Also, Blue Shift doesn't have any new monsters nor new weapons.
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-23 04:00:40 UTC Post #303634
That would be amazing, Atom, but only if it isn't a major hassle for you.
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-23 09:27:19 UTC Post #303641
I wouldn't mind that source code either Atom if you don't mind. Though we need the raw source code, not the compiled dll

Email me: hlifehotdogATgmailDOTcom

<cookie emoticon here>
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-23 17:42:29 UTC Post #303649
Sure, i will get a clean installation of the SDK and add the Gonome and Pitdrone, but nothing more because i can't code from scratch. :nuts:. C++ makes no sense to me. Then i will upload the whole thing and share a link to it here.
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-25 04:39:11 UTC Post #303699
Awesome, thank you so much Atom. Your website is very helpful.

EDIT: I assume the installation process of these files will be relatively straight forward? If not, it would be good if you could include a brief read-me.
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