WAD's Created 12 years ago2012-07-19 11:44:22 UTC by Jetcar Jetcar

Created 12 years ago2012-07-19 11:44:22 UTC by Jetcar Jetcar

Posted 12 years ago2012-07-19 11:44:22 UTC Post #308103
I downloaded a bunch of WAD files to get a few more textures. But it seems Hammer 3.4 has a limit to how many WAD files can be added to it. Is this the case? I have added allot of WAD's but at some point Hammer just stop working and needs to close.
Another thing, is it possible to open a WAD file with another quicker program to see its content before adding it to Hammer?

Posted 12 years ago2012-07-19 11:49:58 UTC Post #308104
I don't know of any hard limit to the number of WADs you can use in Hammer, but I doubt it's a great idea to utilize, say, 20 different WADs in a single map.

I suggest you use Wally to edit/merge some of those WADs, picking out only the textures you need.

Have a look here for more HL tools/utilities. I'd also upgrade to Hammer 3.5 if I were you - there's really no reason to still be using 3.4 nowadays. ;)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 12 years ago2012-07-19 11:58:59 UTC Post #308105
Thanks for the quick response.

If I change over to 3.5 now, will my unfinished maps still open properly for editing?
Posted 12 years ago2012-07-19 12:06:57 UTC Post #308106
No, there won't be any compatibility issues.

3.5 just allows you to view models/sprites in the 3D perspective window (you'll need the up-to-date FGD for that) - it's a really useful feature.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 12 years ago2012-07-19 12:15:14 UTC Post #308107
OK. Ive not been mapping for long now so you will have to be patient with me.
Thanks for the Wally link, now I will be able to make my own WAD's!
I started mapping from the tutorial found on superjer. I downloaded the ZHLT compilers from there and use his little .bat program to compile. Will this process also stay EXACTLY the same?
Posted 12 years ago2012-07-19 12:39:15 UTC Post #308108
No worries, we've all been there. ;)

There shouldn't be any difference in the compilation process. None that I ever noticed anyway.

I suggest you update your compile tools though, ZHLT is a thing of the past nowadays.

Give VHLT a try, those are by far the best tools around for GoldSource at the moment (and they're still being updated/improved). There's tons of visual benefits to using them (way higher lighting quality etc.), and they have far better error reporting, which should be pretty useful for any new mapper.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 12 years ago2012-07-19 12:52:59 UTC Post #308110
Thanks for your help
Posted 12 years ago2012-07-19 14:20:53 UTC Post #308111
Also as for the limit, keep it below 8. (useful when using default wads to reduce online transfer size).
Stojke StojkeUnreal
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