coff Source Remake
coff Well... I'm actually searching for people to create a MOD team for a new RR Source, the name will be something like "Hickston: One shithead at a time!".
If someone of you is interested, feel free to ask me whatever you want to ask. I just need very experienced Source mappers, modelers and texturers, and for now I've found a professional GoldSRC & Source mapper and a professional Texture Artist for maps and models. I'm still searching. :3
Unfortunately, this game didn't get a lot of success. This game is a lot, uhm, "dirty?" in terms of sayings and functions (farts, vomit, sex, etc.), but I really liked it, and I still love it. It's one of the first games I played back in 1997/98 thanks to my dad after Duke Nukem 3D. I've got the original boxed game and the GOG.com version with all the expansions.
Really? Never heard it?
"If a tree's good 'nough for muh dawg, is well damn good 'nough for me." [cit. Leonard]
P.S.: Sorry for the late post, my usb stick had low money charge!