A wall exclusive for the player? Created 9 years ago2015-06-21 02:27:43 UTC by 23-down 23-down

Created 9 years ago2015-06-21 02:27:43 UTC by 23-down 23-down

Posted 9 years ago2015-06-21 02:29:03 UTC Post #326046
Hey I've been wondering about this for many years now. This time I truly require it.. Is there some special texture similar to the translucent texture which however is invisible yet allows npcs and everything else but the player through it?

The issue is that there's a train line below me and a train also actually passes by with the G-Man in it unfortunately you can jump into the tunnel below where the G-man drives by.

Naturally I could simply create a func_wall_toggle or clip brush on top where the player walks however I wanna try to have as little invisible walls as possible in order not to hinder the players in their freedom or to make it to linear.

Is there anything I could do?
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-21 02:40:23 UTC Post #326048
I'm not sure I understand. Isn't an invisible wall exactly what you're talking about? You want an invisible brush that doesn't let the player through... yet you don't want an invisible brush?
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-21 02:52:57 UTC Post #326049
Without seeing your exact situation, not sure how it would be an issue in the first place, but I believe you :)

Maybe a trigger_multiple that would activate a func_wall_toggle(only by the player), unless you've tried that already.

Possibly a teleporter to allow everything through but the player with the
no players, entity only/monsters/pusables 
flags checked, and you could have a solid wall in-between to physically block players, although it would probably look too unnatural.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-21 04:53:46 UTC Post #326051
Doesn't a clip brush do exactly this?
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-21 06:01:31 UTC Post #326053
^ Yeah Stu, I'm not sure. They behave exactly this way in source afiak

According to Tommy14 you can shoot through them, but he doesn't mention monsters nor other entites..
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-21 12:08:38 UTC Post #326054
Brushes textured with CLIP allow everything to pass through it, monsters, player bullets, monster bullets, light, all that, except the player.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-21 12:16:04 UTC Post #326055
Yarp, it's why there's a specific monsterclip entity
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-21 17:31:53 UTC Post #326056
The thing is I've got this train and I placed a clip brush on his route.. G-Man gets stuck in the clip brush and so does the train.

A func_wall would have the same effect wouldn't it?

A monsterclip is forbidding npcs to cross through I need an entity or texture that forbids the player only to pass by not the npc though.

Any ideas?

@TheMightyAtom: Well I've tried that and it did not clip always acted solid - always in fact you can use it as ground texture if you wanted to. To smoothen out corners where the player could get stuck.

A clipnull perhaps ? I've never used that one ever before?
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-21 17:33:49 UTC Post #326057
monsterclips clip the monsters but not the player. sounds like you want a 'playerclip'. I dont think something like this exists
Naturally I could simply create a func_wall_toggle or clip brush on top where the player walks however I wanna try to have as little invisible walls as possible in order not to hinder the players in their freedom or to make it to linear.
That would be the way to do it, but since you dont want to do that then you may want to get creative with architecture. maybe have the lower tunnel be electrified or something, or rails that block the sides. Something like that.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-21 17:39:12 UTC Post #326058
Ah to sad then... Well in this case a Trigger_hurt will suffice. Thanks.
Some of those fancy compiler construction guys should create something like that... I could see many useful situations for a brush or entity such as this.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-21 20:38:19 UTC Post #326060
What about an agressive func_push only set to player?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
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