Model advices Created 9 years ago2016-02-05 09:54:09 UTC by neophus neophus

Created 9 years ago2016-02-05 09:54:09 UTC by neophus neophus

Posted 9 years ago2016-02-05 09:55:41 UTC Post #328672
Hello everybody

I need advices about model, I have created a model (rock model) and I want to know how I can change the brightness color to change my texture aspect.

Here there is screenshot
User posted image
As we can see there is a texture difference although it's the same texture between the brush and the model, anyone know about a tip to change that ?

Posted 9 years ago2016-02-05 12:06:08 UTC Post #328673
I'm still very noobish when it comes to modeling but I think the quickest way to get results done right now would be to rescale your source texture to the same level it's scaled in the actual map inside Hammer. But not sure how you would compare the scaling rate between Hammer and Blender or any other model tool you might use.

Eventually make your UV map in lesser pieces though that could result in distorted textures. You should ask Tetsu0 for aid.
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-05 12:42:56 UTC Post #328674
Easiest way would be to decompile it, modify the texture, and recompile. Also make sure the root bone isnt stuck in a wall so it recieves light information during map compile.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-05 14:59:15 UTC Post #328678
Thanks for answering, modifit texture it's not a problem but what I suppose to do exactly ? I don't have any bone on it
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-05 15:05:20 UTC Post #328679
Ok go here:
And grab the model viewer, decompile tool, and the guistudio tool.

Open the model viewer and setup the decompile tool location. Open your model and decompile it. Then you'll have access to the base files like the mesh, QC script, and texture.

Darken the texture and then recompile using guistudio. (open guistudio, open the qc, press compile)
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-05 16:05:55 UTC Post #328680
Try putting an info_sunlight with values 0 0 0 0 anywhere in the map. But you would achieve the best results with making that model from brushes instead and making it a func_detail.

info_sunlight disables the shading of models when theyre in open sunlight and takes the light values from the ground below, since with VHLT you might have colored bounces of the surrounding map and so it might lit the model differently than the original color of light_environment.

Tetsu0 I think models dont receive light information during compile, they take the values during the game
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-05 17:00:52 UTC Post #328681
Changing texture I can do it by myself and come back to compile it without problems I have all my files, but i suppose it's not the solution too, it's about the effect in game.

Bruce I don't have any info_sunlight I use svencoop's fgd
Posted 9 years ago2016-02-09 08:38:27 UTC Post #328788
Up thanks
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