Hello again,
for my singleplayermodification I would like to use the whole movementsystem and weaponbehaviour from Half-Life's Multiplayer.
Now I am not a real programmer and also I never saw c++ before :/
Does anyone have an Idea what the easiest way to implement that would be?
Things I thought of:
1: change the code for every weapon manualy whenever it asks if it is multiplayer or not. I tried that with the crossbow but had no full success.
Instead of normal bolts with airtime i now have explosive bolts outside the zoom and the instant shots (sniperbolts) when inside the zoom.
Sounds like multiplayerbehavior so far,
however it wont show the bolt (at the target) when fired from zoom (only damage applies[with blood])
When I shoot without zoom and hit a monster it wont make an explosion, but make a normal singleplayerhit.
So I obviously still missed something somewhere :/
2. Changing the gamerules in Singleplayer to Multiplayer
I saw that there are different booleans: "bisMultiplayer" and "g_pGameRules->IsMultiplayer()"
Do you think changing the gamerules to multiplayer would also disable monsterspawn and such? Or might those things still work cause the other boolean "bisMultiplayer" will still always be false.
I would be very grateful for any ideas or if anyone in particular would help me some with the code in general (i don't want to change so much actually)