Func_detail size limit? Created 7 years ago2017-09-05 12:08:02 UTC by seedee seedee

Created 7 years ago2017-09-05 12:08:02 UTC by seedee seedee

Posted 7 years ago2017-09-05 12:08:02 UTC Post #337301
How many objects should you make into single detail entities? Each object an individual func_detail or every crate and barrel in the map a single detail entity? Advantages/disadvantages?
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-05 16:13:56 UTC Post #337311
You can merge several func_details with similar parameters into one as I did to decrease the amount of brush-based entities:
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However I recommend doing this only when you're sure you aren't going to edit the geometry in the future.
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-05 19:56:01 UTC Post #337317
But they count as brushes anyway, no?, I remember trying to do a bunch of pipes (6x cylinders) and the compiler crashed (Vluzacn´s Tools). :/
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-05 22:39:03 UTC Post #337318
func_detail doesn't add to the model count, I'm not sure if it's added to the total entity count.

Vluzacn mentioned in one of his posts in the long VHLT topic that func_detail worked in a similar way to the Source func_detail but a little bit different. I don't know if that includes the fact that func_detail in Source is a working entity that is removed on compile or not. If that is the case, then it means that it's not compiled as an entity in the map, but simply a tool for the compiler.
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-06 04:05:04 UTC Post #337322
As far as I know func_detail acts like a wbrush except for that it doesn't block VIS.
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-06 10:10:04 UTC Post #337326
if im correct, theres is no difference between func_details being separate or all being a single one, as long as the parameters are identical. It's purely convenience. What matters though, is the "detai level" parameters in func_detail... I'm not too good at it but vluzacn explained it pretty well somewhere... If you have a table and a candle on the table and you want both of them to be details, it's better to have them on different "detail levels", so the candle doesn't cut up the table into this spiral thing. Although from my experience, func_detail isn't that great, sometimes it's better to have small objects as real entities like func_wall or illusionary, because even though func_detail doesn't really participate in VIS calculation, it is still using up some VIS resources, something related to leafs or so, I'm not sure, since they are world brushes in reality.
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-06 10:55:52 UTC Post #337328
Is there a limit to detail levels?
Posted 6 years ago2017-09-25 19:04:08 UTC Post #337532
Min 0, max 3. I remember bumping into max. entity count limit issues on an older version of Vhlt because i had too many func_details, so once i knew i was done with my entire level, i grouped up everything as a single entity with no problems what so ever. Vis grouping helps a lot.

Oh, didn't noticed the date on this one... :P
Posted 6 years ago2017-09-26 09:33:49 UTC Post #337543
Max 3??? :cry:
My personal record is 67. Now I have more work to do
Posted 6 years ago2017-09-26 10:44:03 UTC Post #337544
Maybe i misunderstood... If you were referring to 'zhlt_detaillevel' when talking about detail levels, i'm pretty sure it doesn't work past 3. You can input whatever value :D , but anything higher than that will be treated the same, chopping each other off as if they would all be detail level 3.
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