Map - Tenacious D Created 20 years ago2004-04-07 11:47:56 UTC by Neo-TheOne Neo-TheOne

Created 20 years ago2004-04-07 11:47:56 UTC by Neo-TheOne Neo-TheOne

Posted 20 years ago2004-04-07 11:47:56 UTC Post #21600
OK this is my last resort :P I need a map(well extremly small) for a cs film im making with others. In the video of TENACIOUS D - TRIBUTE they go into the karioke machine and dance. Will anyone make me that Karioke machine and a area just around it.(only the door must open and close. No sounds in it are needed)
If anyone does cheers. You may be wondering y am i asking people to do this? Well im a super noob mapper as others have already seen and 116 people have voted it bad enough though like 10+ people have downladed it :/ Damn spammers. This "map" for experts will take like 10-20 mins for sure and you will get publicity for it. No one will prob reply anyway :/ Posting noooooW.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-07 12:53:59 UTC Post #21601
Hmmm... custom textures okay? Does it need the interior?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-07 13:08:56 UTC Post #21607
Working on it as we speak. Done the outside, then textures, then the inside. It'll be done in an hour or so :) fun
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-07 13:47:35 UTC Post #21611
OMFG huh someone helping me. :0 :P THX MAN MR MONKEY. Your name is going in the credits anyways. Special Thanks: cs community, TWHL, Swish, video edit magic, the Matrix Trilogy, tenacious d.
Very Special Thanks: Sevneth-Monkey . NP man ill give u the whole thing whens it done.
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