Example file.
18 6 ConcreteCeiling1 0 Solid
1.000000 -2.000000 2.500000
-6.000000 2.000000 2.500000
5.000000 2.000000 2.500000
1.000000 -2.000000 2.500000
5.000000 -4.000000 2.500000
1.000000 -4.000000 2.500000
-6.000000 2.000000 2.500000
-10.000000 4.000000 2.500000
-6.000000 4.000000 2.500000
1.000000 -2.000000 2.500000
-10.000000 -2.000000 2.500000
-6.000000 2.000000 2.500000
1.000000 -2.000000 2.500000
5.000000 2.000000 2.500000
5.000000 -4.000000 2.500000
-6.000000 2.000000 2.500000
-10.000000 -2.000000 2.500000
-10.000000 4.000000 2.500000
3 2 1 0
3 5 4 3
3 8 7 6
3 11 10 9
3 14 13 12
3 17 16 15
-0.000000 -0.000000 -1.000000
0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
-0.000000 -0.000000 -1.000000
0.000000 -0.000000 -1.000000
-0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
-0.000000 0.000000
2.000000 3.500000
2.000000 -2.000000
0.000000 2.000000
-2.000000 3.000000
0.000000 3.000000
1.000000 -0.000000
3.000000 -1.000000
1.000000 -1.000000
-0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 5.500000
2.000000 3.500000
0.000000 2.000000
-2.000000 0.000000
-2.000000 3.000000
1.000000 -0.000000
3.000000 2.000000
3.000000 -1.000000
0.339873 0.869992
0.259166 0.640306
0.199980 0.967272
0.339873 0.869992
0.377537 0.999698
0.399058 0.880801
0.259166 0.640306
0.221502 0.510600
0.199980 0.629497
0.339873 0.869992
0.399058 0.543027
0.259166 0.640306
0.339873 0.869992
0.199980 0.967272
0.377537 0.999698
0.259166 0.640306
0.399058 0.543027
0.221502 0.510600
First is the Vertex and poly count followed by the base texture and lightmap index and then the tag for the mesh.Then the vertex positions, faces, normal directions and UV1 and UV2 def.
This is for my Xbox engine, a way to make my job easier.