Make curved Hallways in Source / Hammer++ Created 1 year ago2023-12-04 09:30:44 UTC by Tarek Tarek

Created 1 year ago2023-12-04 09:30:44 UTC by Tarek Tarek

Posted 1 year ago2023-12-04 09:30:44 UTC Post #348142
Hey there, I want to make a curved hallway in Source, im using hammer++ and the game I want to map for is Black Mesa Definitive Edition. Thats about it.
Tarek TarekA literal dumbass who uses Hammer++
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-04 09:46:19 UTC Post #348143

I learned it with this guide:

I know im just kinda throwing a you a google result. Some pointers i found on my own was that the result gets better if you stick to grid, and moved the vertices a bit after so you have nice snapping.

Im also playing with a mod for BM:S but using their included Hammer. I read there were some issues with Hammer++, is it worth it?
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-04 10:04:59 UTC Post #348144
I havent started with bms yet, I only used it with half life 2, and its episodes, but im gonna try and use it with bms, ill post an update if its good or not
Tarek TarekA literal dumbass who uses Hammer++
Posted 1 year ago2023-12-04 19:54:42 UTC Post #348149
Just set hammer++ up with bms, and it seems to work fine, gotta make some maps first then i can give a more accurate answer
Tarek TarekA literal dumbass who uses Hammer++
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