Hi im somewhat new to mapping for Cs but I am having a problem that I really dont know how to fix. First off I did use the search option at the top and looked for 'sprites' 'sprite' but found nothing pertaining to my question. Second so you know what im trying to do exactly is I am making a level after stargate one of my fav shows and am working on the gate istelf, I saw someone use the Env_bean thing to make the wavy stuff inside of a ring and thought that would be cool so I trie to copy it by first adding the env_beam and setting up everything like they did only using a different sprite in the sprite name field i searched for the lghtning sprite and clicked it so the field read something like cstrikespriteslghtning.spr but when I compiled it it strats up cs and then right before launching comes up with a dialog box saying something to the effect of "ModNumName: file not found lghtning.spr" Whats wrong?
Ps: I also read the sprites turorial but still cant seem to fix the problem