a few questions Created 20 years ago2004-07-06 05:21:06 UTC by jayboy jayboy

Created 20 years ago2004-07-06 05:21:06 UTC by jayboy jayboy

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 05:21:06 UTC Post #39134
ok now i have enough tutorials and on to actually making a map
although i do have a few questions

1) I want to make a train with multiple boggies can that be done as i dont remember seeing any multible boggies in Hal Life

2) Can a info_bombtarget brush be made movable so that the bomb target is on the moving train

3) if i place a no clip brush will the train brush be able to pass through the no clip brush also if there are players in the train will they be able to pass through the no clip brush

please help on these questions and thanks guys for the links to the example maps :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 05:44:11 UTC Post #39135
1) Use multiple func_trains.
2) No. Afaik. Maybe a bomtarget can have a master, so you fake it.
3) It's called CLIP brush. Players can't pass it. Func_train can 'drive' trough all types of walls. If you need a wall that can only be passed when on the train, use a func_wall_toggle. Set 'fire on pass' key of the path_ entity to the walls name, so it'll be switched of before the train drives through. On a path_ behin the wall, do the same, so it's switched on again.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 06:50:22 UTC Post #39138
If you are trying to have a level where you are always on a train, you could probably fake it by making the LEVEL func_trains, i.e. tunnel sections, this would also help considerably on the whole "riding on train lag, 'omg I just stood here and got train fragged'" bs.
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