A sequence of actions... Created 20 years ago2004-08-24 18:47:51 UTC by spark spark

Created 20 years ago2004-08-24 18:47:51 UTC by spark spark

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-24 18:47:51 UTC Post #53688
Alright, I have the monster_scientist entity out, also commonly known as the scientist.

What I want to do is make him follow a sequence of actions; first make him do the sitidle sequence followed by sitstand and finished off by dieforward1.

I put the entity on my map and choose sitidle as his default Animation Sequence. Now the problem is when I compile and run the map, the scientist just stands there instead of using his sitidle animation.

Any thoughts? Help appreciated!

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-24 18:51:23 UTC Post #53690
okay, you gotta trigger it and to gett all three to work at once use a multimanager (i suppose) okay, first if you want the scientist to sit right when the player starts the map trigger it with a trigger auto, put the name of your scripted sequence in the trigger properties of the trigger auto.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-24 19:06:08 UTC Post #53692
I tried your advice Floater619, and it didn't help.

Here's what I did. I got the trigger_auto entity out and put it inside the info_player_start entity, just in case. In the Target field I entered my scientist's name, switched Trigger State to ON, and finally typed in the sitidle sequence in the Global State to Read field.

When I ran the map the scientist still just stood there, I'm dumbfounded. I figure I did something wrong within the trigger_auto properties, I'm still quite new to triggers, only managed to make one work so far.

Can you tell me what I did wrong?

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-24 19:12:38 UTC Post #53695
setup your scientist entity like you did,
put in a scripted_sequence entity, put these in the fields:

Target- Name of the scientist
Targetmonster- Name of scientist again
animation- the animation name, sitidle3

now put it's name to something like, scripted,
now put the trigger_auto entity in, and set it's target to the name of the scripted_sequence.

that should work, if it doesn't email me the map. ktreige@hotmail.com
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-24 19:20:15 UTC Post #53696
It worked! Thanks!

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