Posted 20 years ago2004-10-02 16:46:17 UTCPost #63690
does it seem to freeze on vis.exe ? cause it will take a very long time to do this one its like pretty big but i dled it and compiling now, it will say that its not responding when vis is runnin cause it takes alot of cpu 99% and even on this small map im workin on it takes 30 mins to run vis so ill check back in an hour and tell you if it compiled and if you want send you the bsp =D
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-03 02:46:37 UTCPost #63767
p4 celeron 2.6 GHz 512 ram so i doubt it will be much better but sry i wanted to finiish my map and test it on a server so i decided to let yours run over night will get back to you in the mornin.. ps celeron sux
um i forgot to ask if its for HL or CS or what, i compiled it using my cs setup and i ran it on cs and i noticed one place on the ground where the texture clips and you get the trails effect. but like if you compile it just to see how its going just set everything to normal execpt VIS put that on fast and i compiled it in no time at all like 5 mins or sumthin