brush outside world (liar) Created 20 years ago2003-10-30 22:45:09 UTC by ZombieLoffe ZombieLoffe

Created 20 years ago2003-10-30 22:45:09 UTC by ZombieLoffe ZombieLoffe

Posted 20 years ago2003-10-30 22:45:09 UTC Post #3700
10%...20%...30%...40%...Error: Entity 0, Brush 115: outside world(+/-4096): (1149,10055,-1235)(1653,-1865,462)
Error: brush outside world
Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem

Error: Entity 0, Brush 115: outside world(+/-4096): (1133,10071,-1271)(1669,-1849,498)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 115: outside world(+/-4096): (1117,10087,-1267)(1685,-1833,494)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 115: outside world(+/-4096): (1133,10071,-1253)(1669,-1849,480)
50%...60%...70%...80%...90%... (1.02 seconds)

--- END hlcsg ---

that is so lame i got no fcking brushes outside the "world"!
stupid zhlt liars...
what sho i do?
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-30 22:53:39 UTC Post #3701
put in mv, prob. maps
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-30 22:57:51 UTC Post #3702
Did you actually verify that by using the 'Go to Brush number' command? If you compiled with visible objects only, make sure that you check 'Search visible brushes only' or it won't find it. And even if it doesn't look like the brush is screwed up, try hiding it and recompiling.
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-30 23:12:23 UTC Post #3705
ok i did what you told me (i didnt even kno "go to brush number" existed, me so noob yeees noob yesss)
and now it wont even compile ;)
hammer just crashes bout half-way through the compile
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-30 23:15:24 UTC Post #3706
oh sorry,
hammer didnt CRASH it just stopped for like 5 mins then it were fully compiled and runnable but for it to take 5 mins to compile?
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-31 05:50:06 UTC Post #3715
Well, this can also happen due to bad VM/carving, etc :badass:
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-31 07:35:20 UTC Post #3720
open up the .map file hammer generates when compiling, look for any brushes going waaaay off into the distance (the coords show this, as they are long past +/- 4096). Thats your invalid brush, delete and remake it.
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-31 08:44:57 UTC Post #3724
ok i found the invalid brushes i think... nevermind ill eat breakfaust now
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-31 10:06:19 UTC Post #3732
Yeah, Jobabob is right, it might not look like the brush is outside thew world, but it is. Only thing you can do is delete it or do some Vertex manipulation to it and bring it back to the real world.
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-31 11:09:01 UTC Post #3737
or delete the sht witch is my soultion to most problems
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-01 11:34:45 UTC Post #3799
lol, "the real world"
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 02:08:58 UTC Post #36463
I have the same error, and when I check through the "go to..." command, it tells me the brush does not exist. I tried the above mentioned .map technique with no luck. I had used the cordon function to isolate the area I wanted to test and the .map file was only that part of my map. What is weird to me, is that in that map, in the camera view, I couldn't see all of it. As I traveled toward the map itself, I was all-of-a-sudden in my room, like I'd traveled through a soft wall.

Like I said, there were no objects showing any skewed geometry in the .map file, and in my .rmf file, there is no wall or brush at that location. Is this the error? I will try to get the .rmf and the .map file up where it can be gotten. Thanks.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 02:18:48 UTC Post #36465
Very odd. Upload the RMF and MAP to the Map Vault, Problem Maps. Post here when you've done so.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 04:14:11 UTC Post #36482
It's been uploaded.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 04:43:42 UTC Post #36484
Very odd. I ran CSG and BSP successfully.

Very UT-esque, long wide corridors. Some nice mapping. You should read this though.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 05:14:20 UTC Post #36489
I have read that, everything on this site, HandyVandal's, VERC. Even the little pough-dunk sites with one or two "tutorials". I usually go to DocRock for answers, but he's into a different game now, and he doesn't come around much anymore. I'm trying to find a new place I can obtain guidance. I guess a bit more history (or timeline) is in order.

Pretty much, nothing is set in the map as you see it. This is my ninth map that's heading toward completion. The first four didn't compile at all, "Fyve" sucked, and I'd gotten alot better, so I canned them. The others pretty much follow what I've read about a mapper's progression. They are poor quality, but a start nonetheless.

This is my first non-box, non-night attempt and I want it to be good. Not just work, but work well. But I'm trying to work my way along, trying to give each room at least three ways out, etc. The textures I'm using are just kinda guidelines right now to tell me what area I'm in. Sometimes I run it to check on different lighting works as texture lighting, but none of that is even started. The lights are just there to help me see what I've done in a non-full-bright way.

I went back and read that "this" for a third time. That is what it looks like. Sorry to sound so abrupt in the beginning of this, but I'm not here to have the answers handed to me. I'm the rare one who searches the forums and tutorials for answers before I ask... I've read that several times in the past and very recently. But it doesn't answer my question at all...are you trying to tell me that I need to make the non-standard textures emit light to evenly light areas? Or are you asking for my altered lights.rad file so when you compile it, it'll look like I intend? I didn't include it, and I probably should have.

I am very tired. I sound bitchy, whiny, and like I need some midol. I'm not like this normally and I don't mean to offend you. I appreciate ANY help in ANY aspect of mapping I can get. I just don't see what the lights have to do with brushes (that don't exist) outside the world.

I will be gone until Sunday evening, so don't think I've gone away! Especially after all I just typed at you....
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 05:16:06 UTC Post #36490
Sorry for the annonymous again... for some reason, it keeps logging me off. Maybe when I clicked the "this" link, and came back, I needed to log in again. Regardless, that above is me.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 06:17:03 UTC Post #36491
No problem whatsoever. Great to have someone who bothers to type with punctuation and reads all the resources people've laboured for months building :)

The point I was making in my last post was that... it compiled okay. I played it. Some really nice stuff, like the crate-picking up thing. Real Half-Life stuff.

As for the reference to the lighting tutorial, I was just advising you to use texture lights over pointlights where possible. They give a nicer effect, since their 'radiance' is spread out, like a real light. You don't get infinitely-small points in space glowing.
I'm trying to find a new place I can obtain guidance.
Stick around here?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 12:47:18 UTC Post #36630
it compiled okay. I played it.
Hmm.... I didn't try compiling the entire map. On my computer, that's best left for the end. The "cordon" tool is the best thing for me. I've read that the cordon tool creates a 64x64x64 box around the area you want to look at, and I've even taken pains to move the entire map away from the edge (it used to be 190 pts. away, which I thought was far enough). So... I'm thinking that there is a brush, which is skewed, but not enough to kill a full-blown compilation, but somehow crosses the area I want to check... does this sound right?

Some questions about the lighting I've never known the answers to are: "Can there be too much texture lighting?" I'd like to use it everywhere I can. "How do indoor maps come to have very even lighting?" I cannot seem to get this part (not for this map). "Does light-environment have anything to do with a map if there's no "sky" texture?"

And since you've got the map in your computer, any guidance as far as the hint brushes are concerned? It's my first time using them. At one point last month, I had a wpoly of 5500 in one spot. It's fixed now, but it's still way up there. That was without vis or rad. Does vis reduce r-speeds alot? In other words, if nothing were to change, and a person had a wpoly count of 4000 (nice round number), approximately what amount of reduction would vis create? 10%? 40%?

I appreciate the help! I really do. Most times the tutorials don't answer specific questions that come up and it's frustrating when someone's answer to a question is "Read the tutorial". Ever try to get an answer from the adminmod people? It's their answer for everything! And, again, I'm sorry for being such a whiner-baby earlier.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 13:23:36 UTC Post #36633
I got it to run. I didn't realize that when you cordon something, it creates a 600 wide wall... not 64. I also didn't realize that if something was cordoned, you could export that cordoned area to .map. I thought the whole thing went. In .map, I could see that one cordon wall was not created and adding an additional closing piece made it work. And it only took a week! Just to see if the trolley worked, which it didn't.

Thanks! I'd still like answers for those questions above and I do read here on a semi regular basis...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 13:43:59 UTC Post #36639
On my computer, that's best left for the end.
You should compile pretty regularly, even without VIS and RAD. It should be very quick without these two (less than a minute usually). Running on a 2.4GHz with 512MB o'RAM it only took about fifty seconds with VIS and RAD too.
"Can there be too much texture lighting?"
Not really. Not at a limit it should be necessary to worry about, anyway :)
"How do indoor maps come to have very even lighting?"
Read SlayerA's post at the end of this thread.
"Does light-environment have anything to do with a map if there's no "sky" texture?"
I don't think so. Try it?
approximately what amount of reduction would vis create? 10%? 40%?
Very large impact on the r_speeds on complex maps. You can't give an exact figure since it depends on the map. If the whole map is one small empty room, VIS would make no difference. If you have a huge map (like yours) it'll make a very big one. Note that hint brushes are 'tips' for VIS, so if VIS isn't run then they won't have any effect.

I can't help you with HINT brushes honestly; I've never used one myself! Although - sorry, link to a tutorial coming up :) - have a look at this mebbe. Lots of diagrams.

This article is very highly recommended by everyone. "Although for Q2, the concepts are identical. It is worth reading the whole article, and it is also worth noting that the SKIP support in Halflife that was added to ZHLT is not as robust.".
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 18:20:16 UTC Post #36706
I have been trying to follow all your questions... I think Seventh has answered nearly everything???

I compiled your map this morning, and it looks interesting.
Just some points of interest:
I was doing a light tutorial, but I got sidetracked... sorry.
For even lighting try adding a texture light, and then central to that area add a light entity with the same Brightness setting as the texture emmits, without the 4th value.
Ie: GENERIC87A is 100 255 100 1000, place that texture in, and add a light entity with a brightness of 100 255 100. No '1000'.
What this does in effect is pick up the brightness of the texture and helps you create a uniform feeling to the area.
It requires some placement and practice, but seems to work.
I went mad trying to work out Hint brushes... in the end I just redesigned my maps so that my speeds were ok. That is a lame answer, but their is a basic Hint tutorial here, and the ones Seventh mentioned.
The trick is to design maps without the need to Hint... easier said than done.
Full Compile:
R_speed readings are only good if taken on a full compile of the whole map. Ignore them, but do compile fully and often.
Oh and... We do say read the tutorial, but normally that is because people are not as descriptive with the problem as you have been.
Keep dropping in,
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-27 15:43:31 UTC Post #36937
Whoa... tons of good answers. I have that Dewann tutorial in .pdf format already and it is definitely the best one. The first "this" is the second best for hint brushes. And that was a big "doh" when you pointed out about useless hint brushes if there's not a full compile.

I do a full compile without vis or rad fairly regularly, to see if entities function correctly, etc., but use that cordon tool for texture and lighting checks. I'm running 512mb ram and 1100mhz processor, so it takes twice as long as it does Seventh Monkey.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-28 01:03:11 UTC Post #37061
Still, you should compile fully sometimes, get a hold of errors. Maybe while you eat or somethin'?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-28 01:06:22 UTC Post #37066
When I do it, I start it before I go to work, so it's ready when I get home, but the kids just KILL me because they have no computer during that time.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-30 20:22:06 UTC Post #37846
i provide the knives. :badass: :P :lol:
Luke LukeLuke
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