Player starts outside of bsp. Created 19 years ago2005-01-09 07:30:48 UTC by vortex10101 vortex10101

Created 19 years ago2005-01-09 07:30:48 UTC by vortex10101 vortex10101

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 07:30:48 UTC Post #82761
Two questions actually -

1.) Are there still lots of people out there mapping with HL1?

2.) I got a perfect level transition setup. Landmarks are the same, map names are correctly set in changelevel, positions are correct (its inside of an elevator), and yet, when Half Life loads the second map, the player starts inside of void.

A player start is also present inside of the second level (the one I try to transit to).

Any ideas? - Read and re-read the tutorial on this site too AND i already have a level transition from level 1 to level 2 which works.

now im trying to fix the one from 2 to 3.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-09 13:25:12 UTC Post #82811
1.) Yes. points at self There are still lots of HL1 mapping questions ;)

2.) Make sure landmark names have no caps, and that the areas in both maps are identical to ensure that there's nothing blocking the landmark.

Try to keep things are simple as you can. Levelchanges are tricky at best.
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