drop ship Created 19 years ago2005-06-16 11:38:14 UTC by mustang67 mustang67

Created 19 years ago2005-06-16 11:38:14 UTC by mustang67 mustang67

Posted 19 years ago2005-06-16 11:38:14 UTC Post #114830
im making a plane/drop ship thing. It is going to have several pods in it that drop to the ground when a button is pushed. The problem is that when the doors on the bottom of the plane are closed the pods still drop. The doors are 2 "func_door_rotating" and the pods are "func_train" with the button set to "-1" for delay before reset and the second path_track(the one on the ground) has the "dissable train" flag checked.
so how would i make the pods launch only when the doors are open. Im guessing a multisouce and a master name, but i tried that and it doesnt seem to work.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-16 11:44:44 UTC Post #114833
Start off flag(if there is) or a trigger_auto, with the trigger state flag set to off, targeting the trains!! ;) Use the doors to target the train agian so when they shall open the cargo will drop!! :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-16 12:37:02 UTC Post #114842
there is a seperat button for the doors than there is for the pods. : so the i only want the button in the pod to work if the doors are open(with a button set for "toggle")
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-16 12:52:04 UTC Post #114843
Then use a multiscource as the pods master! ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-16 13:13:54 UTC Post #114845
so i would have to set the button that opens the doors (target "drop") to also target the multisource (name "drop") then set the button in the pod master to "drop"?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-16 14:31:04 UTC Post #114856
New idea: Make the button that targets the pods come down from the roof or up from the floor as the player presses the button that control the doors!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-16 14:42:14 UTC Post #114860
how would i make the button move unless i was using spirt?
and i tried using the mulitsource but the pod still went through the door. im thinking maby i should add a trigger_relay somwhere in there
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-16 15:35:48 UTC Post #114863
Use a multi_manager to target more then one target!! :lol: Target this multi_manager with the button and with the multi_manager target the multisource and the doors!!(You must use only one object to target the multisource or else you will need to activte all the objects that targets the multisource. So if you want to make more then one object that will trigger the multisource but that you wont need to activte all of them use, make them target a trigger_relay that targets the multi_source) ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-16 15:42:47 UTC Post #114864
Musty, your dropship idea sounds pretty cool. Please give us a prototype soon! :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-16 16:41:20 UTC Post #114871
you really don't need any multisources. you just need to have the button target a MM. which then targets the door then the pods. that way the pods don't start moving until the button is pressed.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-16 19:00:46 UTC Post #114886
If you want to make that the doors open then the pods fall then you are right M_gargantua!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-17 14:19:29 UTC Post #115002
i figured it out "func_button" target = doors and multisource
"func_button" target = "func_train"(pod) and "env_shake"
                   master = multisource :P
it is all so simple to me now, thanks for the help anyway :D
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