Well ive been working on a map in worldcraft 3.3 for three days straight and I used many of my own textures, sounds etc. The map has been working fine for me thow it takes quite some time to load because it is very big and detailed. I just added another room w/music elevator etc. and was able to play it. I restarted my computer and opened up my editor. When I clicked on the name of the map to open it a, box appeared with a yellow triangle and an exclamation mark in it. In the box it sayed " Oops! SerializeRMF()v2.2 tried to load a file v0.0 Aborting. Than when i select ok it says there was a file error. Plleeaasse help me find out what to do to open up my map, i know that it being huge shouldnt have anything to do with it not being able to open up in its editor but for some odd reason it wont open. Thanks a lot in advance.