Few Questions Created 19 years ago2005-07-15 20:45:38 UTC by Smores Smores

Created 19 years ago2005-07-15 20:45:38 UTC by Smores Smores

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-15 20:45:38 UTC Post #121072
When answering the questions (and or the mini questions in side the qusetions) please specify the Question number please in your responses...

1. I made a functioning door, the problem is i cant figure out how to get it to work both ways, i can walk out of my room, but i cant get back in it.

2. How do i make the door open without haveing to use the "use" key?

3. I want to make an outdoor map, so is the only way to get a sky texture is to make a sky box?? (if it is why is a sky box bad)

4. I used the clipping tool to make an opening for my door, when i did this it sliced all my walls up, i dont know if it was becauce i used the clipping tool wrong or if i should have used the "carve" tool. (I heard this is bad to use) Too the real question--> Is there a way to make the wall segments one again??? My textures look alright except you can see the lines of where the brushes meet. :(

5. I was also reading a tutorial (dont remeber where anymore) and it showed how to make "better" rooms. They made a room with 4 brushes for the walls and such. But then they used the Vertex tool to make the walls meet each other at a 45 degree angle. (Is this better somehow??

Thank you for any reasponses!!!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-15 22:33:54 UTC Post #121078
1.Could you give a little bit more details about the door! How did you create it (which entity) and did you create any object that targets it? :

2.If you are using func_door or func_door rotating then just don't tick the use only flag! :lol:

3.No it's not the only way and here are two examples on skyboxes- http://twhl.co.za/mapvault_map.php?id=3112 (it's an easy way and only good for beginners to create outdoor maps) and http://twhl.co.za/mapvault_map.php?id=2950 (it's an example that shows how to use two diffrent ways to make skys with out a skybox,the theard one is a skybox) ;) I made two outdoor examples that may help you- http://twhl.co.za/mapvault.php?author=2202 :)

4.Carve tool is uncontrollable you can't know how he will carve and what! So use clipping and I only heard that if you do what you said in your theard quastion then those little annoying lines will disapear! Here is the tutorial! :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-16 00:10:05 UTC Post #121083
Thanks, i dont have time now since its already midnight (wow, how time flys) but i will do it soon

I made the door following the instructions off of this site. There a little hard to follow but basicaly i made a brush with the door texture, then i made another brush using the origin texture and put that at the edge of my door and made them both func_door_rotate, then i grouped them and made them a func_door_rotate, the door opens using the use key (i checked that flag ((will end up unchecking it now lol))) and thats how i made my door......
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-16 00:23:46 UTC Post #121085
As for the first did you check the one way flag? :
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