Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Created 18 years ago2005-11-08 12:57:09 UTC by pepper pepper

Created 18 years ago2005-11-08 12:57:09 UTC by pepper pepper

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 06:44:03 UTC Post #146760
Ah, is it really that bad? I've heard bad things about the public schools from my teachers, cant really confirm anything on that though.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 09:00:31 UTC Post #146774
Now this seems kinda overblown, putting the blame on American media because of some nut putting a crap title. But all media is like that, BL said that companys want to make money, but one thing is that its how they make they're revenue. The media will twist and distort stories to ibring in customers. Not exactly the most honest way...

This is basically some typical media, overblowing stories for that little extra profit.

Besides, this wouldn't have really happened in my opinion if the French actually accepted racially discrimination. Thats probably a confusing proposition to make, but let me explain my point to you first.

In a country like Britain an immigrant from say Russia would be called a Russian Britain, but in France they would be a called a French Russian, this is because that in France (unlike Britain) do not accept the fact of discrimination occuring (to a point) they believe that you are a French citizen before anything else. Where as in Britain it is accept of your nationality or religion before you are accepted as a Britain, of course discrimination still happens in Britain, its just we try to stop it.

Although, 2 boys running into a sub-station which was probably clearly marked 'DANGER - HIGH VOLTAGE' then that is their fault, not the law enforcements.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 14:19:08 UTC Post #146812
Yes, i agree with you on the racism point, but there seems to be more behind the story wich we dont know. As mentioned earlier in this thread.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 14:26:11 UTC Post #146814
France assimilates, Britain intergrates?

In my opinion, intergrating immigrants is the way to go. They're part of the society, but they are who they are - you don't try to make them the nationality they've moved to.

Also, aren't most of the immigrants in France from former French colonies?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 14:51:57 UTC Post #146817
not really : from my mother, the last immigrants in France were :

from italy :
after WW2 (1945), until year 1970 (italy)

> buy farms and become farmers

> there people were ok

from poland :
after the war, until 1980

> go in farms (owned by italians) and become workers

> these people were ok

from spain and portugal :
after the war, until 1970

> buildings workers, painters etc

most ones came back to their home (country) after worked in France 5-20 years

> these people were ok

from Africa :

> sweeper, clean services etc

> these people were ok

from Algeria, then Maroc, tunisia etc (north africa, half black half white men (don't know the word))
from the war until now

> the people who came became workers in factories, on building and road sites ("BTP" in French) etc

> the people who didn't come to work, the wives who came with the "familial gathering" and the children who born "because" of that, well, became, for some of them, nothing : insulting everybody in the street, didn't work at school, didn't look for job, well ...

old north african are good people, the young ones, who are neither north african neither french look like to belong to a lost generation :| ...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 22:18:49 UTC Post #146900
Uh, correct me if I'm wrong, but Algeria and Tunisia were both French colonies?
The colonialistic countries sucked dry the countries they colonized, taking resources for their own.
During the colonial days, the colonized cilization were treated like shite, and shortly after the liberation of the Algeria they had a civil war?

I'd say the number of unruly northafricans in France are like.. their own fault.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-13 15:30:22 UTC Post #146989
I agree ...

Algeria was a french colony (for the oil located in the desert I think, for a training grounds in desert areas for the military mens, and for nuke tests too ...), but about Tunisia, I don't think so, and Morocco always has been a kingdom from what I know. I heard in school and from people around that yes these people were not really ... welcomed in France, they have all been parked in some ghettos-like suburbs, were the first ones welcomed in the factories, but the last ones welcomed in the offices etc, yes France has a main part of the responsability in this situation, but the people who are paying the bills actually aren't the ones who are guilty, for their arrogance, their racist behaviors etc :| ...
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