Equipping weapons problem Created 18 years ago2005-12-01 13:16:20 UTC by Bongoboy1978 Bongoboy1978

Created 18 years ago2005-12-01 13:16:20 UTC by Bongoboy1978 Bongoboy1978

Posted 18 years ago2005-12-01 13:16:20 UTC Post #150059
I read the tutorial about equipping weapons in CS, and I got to the part where I had to put in the point-based entities. I had the multi_manager, but I didn't have the player_weaponstrip or the game_playerequip. They don't come up on my entity list, and it doesn't say how to get them. Where are they? Do I just type in the name of the entities?
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-01 14:31:43 UTC Post #150067
ah, you need the latest fgd for CS.


just find an expert cs fgd and unzip it to your fgd folder in your VHE folder and then use that FGD in your hammer setup.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-01 14:52:01 UTC Post #150071
There's a better FGD on the Links page.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-01 14:56:54 UTC Post #150077
ah, my bad... heheh forgot about the obvious :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-01 20:16:06 UTC Post #150112
Thank you guys so much for the help.
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