
Counter-Strike CS
cs_aztec2 by People Dust
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-05 23:25:33 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike
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People Dust People Dust
20 years ago2004-06-05 23:25:33 UTC
13 years ago2011-04-12 21:02:30 UTC
3.50 (2)
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My first real map. The map is based off of the original de_aztec, used all the same textures. 6 UN peacekeepers from Panama were taken hostage by the same group that attempted to destroy the aztec ruins. This time they've run off to Guatemala and demand a ransom from the Panamanian government.

There is a long winding river going through most of the map. (Water is not clear, had problems with my Hammer deciding the water should be solid in Hammer but be compiled as a water entity[confused? so was I]). Recommended playing time set to at least 6 minute round time.

There are secret passages into the temples.

Hope you enjoy it.


Commented 20 years ago2004-06-06 04:22:57 UTC Comment #2216
well, map is huge, and to complicated (for me).water looks really bad. there could be more sounds, like burning torches, runing water, etc. besides there is map called cs_aztec already, you should call it cs_babylon (reminds me more babylon than aztec :).in some places architecture is very simple, reapetitive textures, there are lot of similar places (i've got lost).besides i hated those long red small tunels :(...after all there are some nice places, next time make smaller map with more details, less cubic. ***
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-06 14:43:40 UTC Comment #2219
300th map. congrats.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-06 15:28:24 UTC Comment #2220
Mmh. Not that really good-looking. Too simple architecture, overall too much large surfaces without detail. The buildings seem to tall, some buildings have no side, only a front wich makes them look very fake. The stairs don't look that good (they're no stairs in fact) and they're too steep, I fell down on them instead of walking down. Lighting ain't special too. The red lights didn't fit in the environment. Oh, and those endless long crawlspaces... they're very slow to move trough, wich makes me really hate them...

The rumbling on the background was nice but since I saw no lighting it made it look a bit faked. The real aztec did better... :) However, I liked the torches, they fit within the theme very nicely.

Overall, the map looks too basic, it lacks finesse. But, it's your first map after all. Not a too bad attempt concidering that.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-06 15:31:59 UTC Comment #2221
I didn't mention some flaws like the difference in color between the waterfall and the real water, and the sometimes too loud sounds that stop quite abrupt. Little things you have to mind when creating a map, things that rely more on common sense than technical knowledge.

I just thought that might be worth an extra comment... :)
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-07 18:13:32 UTC Comment #2232
Sorry bout that, wasnt aware that there was a cs_aztec already created. But cs_babylon would not be fitting as the real Babylonian empire was in the Middle East, not in a rain forest. So I'll have to think of a new name for it.

I was having some trouble with my water though Captain P, so I could not get it to actually become a real water entity to make it clear and match the waterfall. Whenever I tried to tie it to become an entity it would literally flood my entire map.

That noise you heard was supposed to be cicadas chirping but I never got around to taking them out.

The Simple Architecture was just my inexperience at mapping, and definitely could be fixed I know that. Once I actually become more experience in creating life-like architecture the maps should look more real.

But also the simple architecture goes well with the theme, as the name suggests, the people who created it were Aztec. They created real simple, blocky structures, so that could play into it.

Thanks for your comments guys
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-07 18:16:00 UTC Comment #2233
I also was trying to experiment with env_fade to create some lightning strikes, but I wasnt able to do it. I need to go over to VERC and see if I can find a nice tutorial to explain it to me.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-08 12:13:26 UTC Comment #2246
Well, it's a good thing to experiment. You show a good attitude, I'm looking forward to your coming maps. :)

Water is best avoided as it gives a lot of faces that are visible very often, giving you high r_speeds. I use func_conveyors to create a nice water effect, gives much lower r_speeds and can be made very nice looking with the right textures.
The noise is no problem exept that it's too loud, wich makes it somewhat annoying. Subtle sounds often create a much better effect than loud things.
The waterfalls color differs from the water. Mhh, I know, there are no blue waterfall textures... Well, anyways, it doesn't fit so you'd better find a way around (custom textures?)
You'll get better with the architecture over time, it's just a thing you'll have to mind now and then. Gameplay is indeed more important, as that's what a map is intended for (well, in most cases... ;)), but great visuals are a nice extra.

Keep up the good work!
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-15 10:42:00 UTC Comment #2328
also. it looks like you've seen some screenshots of narbys aztec2 and have ripped it off.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-15 20:00:41 UTC Comment #10478
A very nice, refreshing CS map in the spirit of de_aztec.

+Nice subtle ambients
+Excellent layout
+Excellent texturing
+Nice lighting, but maybe a little bright in the main areas

Architecture is really nice throughtout, except I'm noticing splitting that seems to biscect all your main walls... I'm pretty sure it's a brushwork thing and not a texturing problem, so whatever you do with this, I'd try to fix it as it's quite a distraciton imo.

I would put all the hosties in one area, but without playing the map in MP, I don't really know if this is necessary or not.

A very, very nice map.

If this was an original map and not a clone, I'd most likey go 5 stars, hence:

4 stars

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