Couter-Strike defuse map by DieH@rd
This is one of my first map for CS, but fear not,
I think it is a good one...
2 bomb sites, one in counter base and one on roof of one building.
Map is small, so beware of bomb explosion blast...
Feel free to email me (or post here) if you think that something has to be remmaped...
Few info on map:
used wads by Valve: halflife.wad, de_dust.wad, de_chaetou, decals.wad
creation time: 3 days, few hours each day...
Credits & Thanks to:
-Mladen "DieH@rd" Tapavicki: Level Modeling
-Vladimir "cK | CoX" Cordas: Level design help & Tester
-Ivan Cordas: Tester
-Valve for HL
+ Good texturing
+ Some nice architecture like the open-topped arches
+ Good layout
- Very odd inside lighting. Use texture lighting, and why are there blue fluorescent fittings in some kinda dusty place?
- The buildings are very square on the outside
- Some odd texture scaling
3/5. Spend another week working on the detail and it could be a very good map.
i didn't touch my comp in last month, so... i made some adjustments, and it will be ready as soon i compile it.
that means tommorow, or day after tommorow
yaaay! just like movie
Well, you can plant the bomb on the roof, the roof is right above the room with the computers. So you can actually plant the bomb in some parts of the computer room to. Also, if you get onto the two computers with a gap inbetween, you can drop the bomb into that gap, and I think it is impossible to defuse when it's in there.
I made a little modified version of map. I'll see if has some more tweeking to do, and I will upload it. If I need to change the skybox, now is the time