Batman Begins drivable Tumbler

Half-Life 2 HL2
Batman Begins drivable Tumbler by Gackt
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-12 18:33:14 UTC • Unfinished • Half-Life 2
Screenshot Thumbnail
Batman Begins drivable Tumbler
Gackt Gackt
Half-Life 2
19 years ago2005-07-12 18:33:14 UTC
19 years ago2005-07-15 21:13:53 UTC
5.00 (1)
full star full star full star full star full star Download (475.35kb)

Greetings, fellow TWHLers!

Seeing as how I haven't submitted a single map since the 3+ years I've been mapping, here's my first contribution: a drivable version of the Tumbler from Batman Begins! Feel free to hop in (the front of the cockpit opens with "E", and you'll need to crouch) and give it a spin. Oh, and sorry - Korin not included ;)

  • This is an EXTREMELY early prototype. Steering is flawed and some features are unavailable. The purpose of this early edition is to demonstrate the accuracy/artistry of my interpretation of the Tumbler, nothing else.


Commented 19 years ago2005-07-13 05:46:03 UTC Comment #8106
Soon you'll be able to download the naked Alyx :P
Looking fine...
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-13 12:26:14 UTC Comment #8107
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-13 16:23:03 UTC Comment #8108
naked alyx exists
just make a shout on shoutbox if you want it, i saw it somewhere
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-15 21:12:12 UTC Comment #8121
It's for Half-Life 2 (now that the designation problem is fixed I will update it to reflect that).

Onslaught, due to the limited description space, I was unable to put a disclaimer in about the level's low LOD. I built the map that houses the Tumbler exclusively for taking the screenshot, not as a showcase of my mapping skills. As a note to everyone, the map that the Tumbler is currently in was made in 5 minutes at most, and it is NOT the level that the Tumbler will come bundled with when it is finished. The Tumbler, I'm sure you'll agree, is of Half-Life 2 quality - but, not having been able to warn you about the terrible tree-work and terrain, I can understand why you mistook it for Half-Life 1. I will be making some sort of city/road level for the final version, so please don't despair that there isn't a lot of driving room.

To those posting about Alyx....shudder yes, I know that exists, and frankly, I think they've taken this whole Alyx thing MUCH too far. I do NOT endorse nude models or digital exploitation via Garry's mod, and I only put Korin in my screenshot to make a pretend racing poster, where there's always a bikini girl and a fast car (in this case, a jet-car).

Also, here's a list of features I intend to add later (please feel free to suggest any others):

1. Usable rampless jump via the rear jet engine
2. Tweaking accessibility to the cockpit
3. Weapon systems controllable from the passenger seat and sub-weapons controllable by the driver
4. Visual tweaks, such as visible exhaust and fire effects when jumping
5. Custom engine sounds, perhaps custom textures (although I think it's quite accurate as it is).

In any case, I welcome all comments, so please, with the above in mind,, comment away!
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-18 09:54:58 UTC Comment #8148
2. Tweaking accessibility to the cockpit
haha cockpit... that cracked me up
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-24 13:53:25 UTC Comment #8248
Ironic indeed! The screenshot doesn't provide ample lighting, so the batmobile's sharp edges and other features along the left-side of the vehicle are somewhat hard to see. I was just trying to fit as much of the vehicle in the picture as possible.
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-19 01:56:46 UTC Comment #9071
Looks pretty good, but behaved strangely.

Please update this and include the hottie next time! :)
Commented 19 years ago2005-09-27 06:48:31 UTC Comment #9212
I haven't touched this map lately, and I do understand what you meant by "behaved strangely" - I'm having trouble with thruster alignment. That's one thing I'll be working on once Steam finishes updating (over my 28.8k modem....grr). I'll see what I can do about fixing that, and giving everyone a bigger level to drive in.
Commented 4 years ago2020-04-23 06:01:57 UTC Comment #102682
Nice screenshot. ;)

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