
Counter-Strike: Source CSS
fk_glasspit_2 by nublit
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-23 15:07:54 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike: Source
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nublit nublit
Counter-Strike: Source
19 years ago2005-11-23 15:07:54 UTC
19 years ago2005-11-23 15:35:33 UTC

This should be a fun map. If you own a dedicated server or run a non-dedicated server, this is a pretty good map to upload to your server. This is a sequal (obviously), unfortunetly the first one was a server crasher, so i had to abondon it. I have tested this map several times, it dosnt crash the server at all so don't worry a single bit. It just might be a little bit laggy, because it's a glass map of coarse! Anyway i didnt use any lighting for the following reason: is a glass map which tends to be laggish...



Commented 19 years ago2005-11-23 15:19:45 UTC Comment #9953
I don't have CS:S (change the map tag) but I can still comment on stuff from the screeni. This map needs to be lit up. I don't know how you do it in source but you can always ask in the forums, seeing that our source tutorial section is rather poor.(this is a hint: someone make a source tutorial on lightning,lightmaps(or how that you call it) and cubemaps) Also check the texture application tutorial.(it's in the Hl intermediate section) It will teach you how to aglain textures. Also check the basic Hl tutorials(the "in the biggining" tutorials) the basic in source is the same as in Hl1.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-23 15:29:18 UTC Comment #9954
Well this was a 2 day project, i wasnt hoping for amazing lighting for this map, there are some cracks in the walls where you can see through, but i just make a hollow skybox around the whole map. My next submission here will be a mind blower i hope. Right now i use a internet link i have saved in my favorites. It gives a large list of tutorials on how-to-do, volumn light and all sorts of other lighting tutorials, these tutorials arent very hard to follow, some can make you gawk in awe on how confusing they are though. Lighting is basic then in a way is very complex, i havent been mapping very long, about a year now, and i know stuff that most mappers as novice as me shouldnt know. An ace mapper i know said so himself. Right now, i need to leard how to blend textures together well enough so that it looks detailed enough to be considered realism. Im just hoping a can find a tutorial on that. Got any?

When you say change the map tag, do you mean the fk or the whole name itself, or maybe something else?
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-23 18:32:14 UTC Comment #9955
erm... it looks interesting! yes... good adjective.

- blocky
- full-bright
- VERY bad choice of texture for walls
- quite bad choice of texture for flooring
+ ...err... ill get back to you!
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-24 03:32:14 UTC Comment #9960
is it a first map? if so its just like evetyone elses first map - so who cares!? You'll (is that spelt right?) get better
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-24 17:07:56 UTC Comment #9966
im sorry but seriously, this. is. bad.

Really, work harder. A LOT harder. dont just cover up your leaks, fix them! and your working with one of the most powerful engines in gaming history! USE IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE!

Align your textures, get scale, choose textures more carefully, add arcitecture and please PLEASE PLEEASE! dont submit fullbright maps.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-24 20:17:35 UTC Comment #9967
It's for the fact that it's already running on servers that I leave this map in the Finished section, but maps of this quality belong in the Unfinished Maps vault.

No lighting for performance reasons? Read up on optimization, unlit maps may play nice but in mapper communities, they're frowned upon and really, you're abandoning technology that makes it not only look better, but also outlines the shapes in a map better making it easier to navigate.
It may be a tendency in current CSS communities, but such maps look horrible. Even spending a little more time and effort on them would make them look fair.

A good article about optimization can be found here:
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-25 21:58:10 UTC Comment #9977
First off, i spend 2 days on this, of which was about 4 hours of those 2 days. So this map wasnt a best of work. Secondly, I didnt use any lighting because its a glass map AND GLASS MAPS TEND TO LAG SOME!
Thirdly, i did use bad textures for the walls and floor. The checkered glass floor was the only two textures that were same EXACT texture but with different colors, so i used that. I will admit this isnt a great map but it is finished and dosnt belong in the unfinished section.
Fourthly, you'll is a word, it is short for "you will".
Fifthly, im sorry if me submitting a full-bright map pissed you off, that won't happen again :)
sixly(if thats even a word), this DEFINANTLY isnt my first map, it sucks, yes i know.
Other things to know are that i said it should be fun because the first version blew my clan member's minds. I thought this was enough but i found on that its better the make a glass pit map with circular pits :-/
I wish i could submit the first version but it will crash your server. I dont know why, its some weird voodoo reason i cant fix or even figure out. It just crashes the server and it dosnt work.
PS: first to post reply, i figured out what you meant by "change the map tag". It was set to 1.6 instead of source. Sorry for any inconveniance. If you downloaded the map, good for you. If you didnt, thats ok, im used to not having anyone like my maps.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-26 19:38:12 UTC Comment #9982
Normally people would say "nice job for your first map" but..., well I don't want to sound like a broken record. My opinion lies with everyone else's.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-27 03:07:57 UTC Comment #9984
Quoting the mapper: i didnt use any lighting for the following reason: is a glass map which tends to be laggish...

It's such irony. Because with some lighting, the compiler would run VRAD, and therefore improve performance. I don't care that it's a glass map or not, having lighting ALWAYS improves performance and boosts framerates.

You have been mapping for a year, and this is what you came up with? You need to try harder. Just look around the vault for some of other mappers works. Kasperg can whip out a map in two days, yet it looks utterly amazing.

I am sorry to say this, but if this map blew your clan's mind, they must not have seen too many custom maps.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-27 03:13:09 UTC Comment #9985
Take a look at this map ( ). I believe this was done in three days.

And this was his very first Source map.
Commented 19 years ago2005-11-28 14:28:55 UTC Comment #9995
why ask for comments if your gunna spend the whole time arguing bout it! these people are giving something called 'constructive critism'.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-23 08:24:51 UTC Comment #10219
When I saw this screenshot, I thought it was for half-life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, that is bad, there for I'm not going to play this map..

All these bad comments said enough, so did your attitude.

Damn, don't go all defended! Were just giving constructive critism..

Critism is there to be learned of, remember that.

About the 4 hours thing, haha, I could make a better map in 1 hour and I bet al these mappers replied here can to.

You really think a bit lightning would give the map lag? PLEASE!!!!

You're mapping 1 year? Pfft, you should know better.

Also, you think your clan members got blown away from this map?

Dude, please, there just being nice to you because your in there clan..

So I pro's and con's

+ You're doing your name honour.

- Full-bright

- Bad texturing

- Blocky

- Architecture were?

- Gameplay would suck, if there is any..

I will not vote, because I don't like giving 1 stars..

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