
Counter-Strike CS
dorian27_fort by Dorian27
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-03 21:03:00 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike
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Dorian27 Dorian27
18 years ago2005-12-03 21:03:00 UTC
18 years ago2005-12-08 21:52:22 UTC
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My friends made up a map design on a piece of paper at school, so I decided to make it. I elaborated on some of their ideas. This is an Aim map with M4A1s, there are 2 bases. Up to 16 players at a time, but it gets hectic.
Use the retard button!
**Updated - No more stupid ditches, more spawn points, new secret room, no misplaced weapons, new sky, more explosive barrels.


Commented 18 years ago2005-12-03 21:17:17 UTC Comment #10015
so thats what a retard button is! that was pretty cool. Howed you do that effect?
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-04 06:56:20 UTC Comment #10016
edit the 'acid' texture, it looks too bright to the darker map. otherwise, looks alright.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-04 11:39:31 UTC Comment #10017
I liked how the acid texture was brighter because it was supposed to be radioactive, which in Half-Life always did glow a little bit. @ Ace - create a trigger_teleport, and set its target to an info_tele_destination, and chang the yaw pitch roll to 0 0 -90. I had been messing with angles and stuff, and I tried different angles on the destination, and I popped out all retarded =D
I bet some of you are wondering why there is a random shooting range.. my friend is new to CS, and he wanted something to practice on.. so thats why..
If anyone else has comments keep them coming..
btw this map took ~approx 5 hours to make.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-04 16:25:34 UTC Comment #10021
dorian u gave me such a good idea (with the weird angle thing) ... as well as a stiff neck

things u should consider
  • darker looking sky
  • make the acid inflict damage... i jumped in expecting to die =/
  • remove or angle the colts on the ramps
  • and lower the angle of the pits u can go into because u cant walk back up them u have to jump out of it
those are just suggestions... i thought the map was pretty good it could use a little improvement thought... good work
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-07 19:43:11 UTC Comment #10031
Its looks too TFCish...

Try and go for the Counterstrike Mood.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-08 17:37:42 UTC Comment #10037
I've worked some stuff out, and I will update the map soon.
I Have -

+Fixed 4 spawn points
+Added damage to acid (very minor)
+Got rid of the stupid ditches
-I'll mess around with the sky a little bit so it matches better
+Added more explosive barrels
+Removed Colts on ramp

As for the TFC-ish-ness of the map, I don't mind if it doesnt have that "Counter-Strike Feel." Sometimes it is good to take a break from the mundane Dust or Iceworld Textures.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-24 16:40:46 UTC Comment #10256
I had a fast run true the map and it was a nice map, I really really liked the illusion to get the awp, honestly, that retard button is some fun!!

The looks of the map on the other hand are pretty bad :

+ Retard Button!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

+ AWP Illusion.

+ Explosive barrels

+/- Gameplay, with the retard button I think this can be something interesting.

- Texturing, honestly, awfull, to grey and to repeating.

- Architecture, all hail blockyness!!

- Layout, meh, standerd aim eh'

- Ambience, to bad you didn't had any custom ambience shit, this would really add some fun since this is well.. a pretty strange map.

Ugly map, yet, really fun.

But in the end, the fun factor beats the look factor ;)

3.5 Stars > 4 stars.
Commented 18 years ago2005-12-29 23:31:51 UTC Comment #10296
LOLOL - Retard button!!! (I really did laugh out loud! lolo)

Nice layout with excellent killzones and weapons/grenade placement. Catwalk above and teleport to the shooting range is pure pwn as well.

The architecture probablly has the largest potential for improvement. I mean, the structres themselves are find, just very blocky. The lighting and texturing were fine for an aim map, but could still be improved. I liked your choice of textures in general, but you repeated them to a fault.

+w00t grenade the lower bunker
+exploading barrels--maybe more?
-more locations with nades and make them respawn a few times.
+nice trenches

Bottom line is this is an excellent aim map, but still with a modicum of additional work, could be so much better.

I have to go 4 on this for the retard button and shooting range alone!

Good job, and maybe make the retard button an example. I tried doing that before but nothing happened :(

4 stars

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