
Counter-Strike CS
de_simc by Daubster
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-23 07:08:29 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike
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Daubster Daubster
18 years ago2006-01-23 07:08:29 UTC
18 years ago2006-10-30 06:14:16 UTC
4.50 (8)
full star full star full star full star half star Download (2.53mb)

Well I've been working on this for bout 4 months, but it's FINALLY finished.
de_simc (SIuolaikines Mokyklos Centras) is a map of my school.
My classmates have been asking me to create a map of our school, since I've released my first map. There were some early tries at this, but none of them were actually finished.
Although I thought of continuing this project in the beginning of the schoolyear and I've finally finished it.

The map is medium-sized, the r_speeds might be higher than 1000 in some areas, although the gameplay overall is quite smooth.

When commenting the map - don't forget that this is a SCHOOL. So don't expect any fancy texturing or stuff like that. I tried to make it as real as possible, so give me a break ;)

You might notice that there are no railings on the spiral staircase.. Well sorry for that, but I just couldn't get them right. And I thought of skipping them, due to high r_speeds in that area.

Download, have fun, comment and PLEASE - make as much damage as possible! It's my school! ;D


Commented 18 years ago2006-01-23 08:26:54 UTC Comment #10639
+Radical panoramic custom sky...Excellent!!!
+Great custom textures througout--vents, coats! lol, windows, railings, tables, etc.
+Excellent bruswork throughout
+Excellent dynamic window breakables! Basketball pushable w00t!
+Pwn detail work everywhere.
+Neat fading helo ambient
+Good performance considering the level of detail.
+Nice, clean lighting.

-gutter climbing is cool and interersting, but You might put a support strucure or something at the part where you can't climb anymore. Sort of annoying because it's easy to fall off.
-easy to get stuck on the computer chairs/computers if you jump on them
-maybe make the vent spaces a little larger so they're easier to pass through.
-Great custom tetures balnced out in areas by bad ones/poorly aligned ones--basketball backboard, angled brick by the court, those light grey doors all over are drab/underdetailed!! and sometimes poorly aligned, scaled. Some of the railings, tables--physics room desks?--looked neat, but a little strange because of the transparent parts.
-There's tons of doors in here you can't open, which I understand, but it's still a tad annoying. Maybe make them func_doors "locked" so at least they're a little bit interactive--locked sound. Maybe add some emergience door push bars too that you see in schools all the time.
-Layout is interesting, but a bit too confusing imo.
-The nice railings on the L-shaped stairs are great, but maybe if you made the rungs smaller, to avoid the brush intersection, it might look better. I understand why you did it the way you did--because of the gaps hammer would show if you tried to link up the brushes flush.

You might also try hlfix, which is supposed to eliminate this annoying hammer bug--lining up stuff at angles flush--, but I've never tried it personally.

I know there's lots of stuff I probably missed, but there is a lot of nice detail to this map!

Superb work, with some hangups that wouldn't take that much work to fix imo.

I still have to go 5 for this one for the unprecedented amount of detail items, custom textures, and the amount of work that obviously went into this.

Superb work!

5 Stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-23 08:29:01 UTC Comment #10640

I see some serious improvement there, compared to those those screens you send me through msn.

Now, make an HLDM version of this map, and ill upload it to my server.
Whan are you getting HL?
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-23 09:24:21 UTC Comment #10641

Woah.. That's some review there, rowley. Thanks :)

I'll probably work on this map a bit more and fix some bugs after HLHS and some other projects I'm in.

Yea, the doors are oogleh.. I'll have to fix that fo' shaw. And I've just noticed that you can get stuck between the chairs and the table; another must fix.

The angled bricks? Well I rotated them on purpose to hide the pattern, since the texture is small.

It would look really oogleh without the rotation.. :

@Muzz: I dunno if a map that is so CS-balanced would work out well in HLDH (actually, the layout is 100% original, I didn't have to alter anything), but I guess I could try.. :)

And I'm gettin Steam HL in the beginning of Feb, I guess.. :S
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-23 14:21:20 UTC Comment #10651
Wow, excellent map. Great detail and brushwork. Looks like a lot of work went into this. I'm almost in the same situation as you, I also have an unfinished school map.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-24 12:51:24 UTC Comment #10666
Good detail, nice custom textures. Some of the stairs were amazing, and I bet they affected compile time greatly :)
However, other sets of stairs suffer from the repetition problem (see the first tip in the Mapping Tips HL thread)
The airplane sounds were also a great touch.
Commented 18 years ago2006-01-24 14:48:31 UTC Comment #10669
Well the spiral staircase was really a challenge, because I had to make it step-by-step, due to the complexity of the stairwell, I had to tie the stairs to func_wall in the end and make it opaque, because they really shredded the walls up. So yea - they really made my compile times quite long.. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-05 23:09:35 UTC Comment #10813
Oh damn...i was test your map whit bots cs 1.5 , and do you know when round start 9 CT, 3 Terrorist die whit worldspawn. I thing this cause you put inf_player_deadmatch or inf_player_start to close each other or may be we have difference cs version. And one thing your map too tight:x
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-01 00:42:27 UTC Comment #11402
I have a question...why is this school better than my actual school itself?
5 star
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-09 08:10:00 UTC Comment #11452
Wow. What a project.

The architecture and idea overall are pwn, no doubts there. Also, a lot of the textures are very good too. However, the repetetive lighting really really make the plain wall textures boring.

A few parts of the map seemed out of scale too... Namely the desks in the classroom and the pipe leading to the upper windows.

The good points however vastly out-weigh the bad points. I love the computer room thingy... Playing Blast Pit, mapping AND browsing TWHL using Opera <3 at the same time?! cool. :D

The spiral staircase was teh pwn also... And the size of the map will certainly make for some interesting gameplay.

Last thing i suppose i could comment on would be the 1337 use of ambient sounds. Very nice, and the panoramic sky is great. Is that your actual city?

Pwn, but could be a lot better with better lighting...
Commented 18 years ago2006-04-09 08:10:24 UTC Comment #11453
oh damn. Forgot to comment on the blackboard texture. It was pwn also :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-04 09:40:16 UTC Comment #11645
Ohh... A basketball map... Cool! Get like 400 in gravity and use the C4 as basketball :P
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-05 08:06:00 UTC Comment #11663
It's... not a basketball map? :S
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-18 09:04:27 UTC Comment #11918
There is a basket and a ball :/
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-22 15:49:18 UTC Comment #12285
Cs source! Cs source, we wan't cs source! :D it would be so cool if you had made it for css, then I could host it on my server. But nice work though! I love it.

oh forgot to rate SIX stars! oh dmn, only counts to 5 oh well :P
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-24 15:07:40 UTC Comment #12889
It could easily be converted if he wished it ;) But he doesn't own Source according to my knowledge.

Nice map :o
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-10 08:22:07 UTC Comment #13650
dude ur map looks good but i cant download it for some reason :s it downloads half of it and then stops downloading and the window closes, never had that problem not rating cause iu couldnt try it but i think u deserv 5 stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-15 22:19:16 UTC Comment #13723
pretty good map, deserves a 5 but im giving it a 4 because the map is way too big and there are some bugs as in the room with the computer over the desk, when u broke the desk the computer stays there just flying, u should make it broke too when the desk brokes

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