Original brief:
http://rowleybob.googlepages.com/mini6.htmlMy aim is to make an elevator out of func_doors, with no trains or paths.
I'm having a problem moving the doors with the 'vator. When the elevator doors close, Inside I render visible a copy of those doors, which is actually a func_door itself.
When you hit the elevator button, it is supposed to trigger the fake door and the elevator, but it seems I can only get one or the other to work...If I disable the fake door, the elevator works fine, and If I disable the elvator, the fake door works fine--but they just won't work together!
Needs testing...
I think.....
The seperate func_door for the elevator doors was working every time...the problem was that the elevator shaft doors were too thick, and you simply couldn't see it!!!!
Thanks for your help anyway guys