This is a fun map. Castle Night is a small fast-paced map for 2-8 players. There are only two main ways: over the bridge and through the building. The gameplay of this map is sniping and close combat. The fun part is either sniper duels from the many roofs and walls you can climb on or rushing through the building.
main points of the map:
- a castle at night, italy and cbble textures
- two sides of a river outside a castle, nice atmosphere
- 2-8 players recommended
- good opportunities of giving covering fire, balanced gameplay
- 3 hostages of which 2 are together
- climb the bed in the collapsed chamber to get in the floor above, shoot the doors to get through them
- to increase the possibility of rescuing all the hostages, rescue the single standing one at the beginning
- the hostage rescue zone is in the collapsed chamber and in the CT base
- access the roof on the building (CT-base) or the walls through crates (there are small invisable stairs)
or through some plants near the well (CT-base) which is a func_ladder or through climbing the broken part of the wall
- you can jump from the wall in the CT base into a window of the passable part of the castle, but dont fall down!
(There is an invisable block at the window which makes it easier to jump into it)
- dont shoot the moon!
I like the detail items like the climbable bed falling through the hole in the ceiling, the fountain, the market, and the swords!, but the rest of the map was very bleh. Among the creative details, the moon pwned too
Maybe Nicer texturing, a tighther layout, and/or nicer architecture detailing for the main castle might help.
Not a horrible map by any means, just didn't exite me very much, and I must say it's hard to get excited about new cs maps these days