
Half-Life: Deathmatch HLDM
1337_street by Kampy
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-12 05:25:32 UTC • Completed • Half-Life: Deathmatch
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Kampy Kampy
Half-Life: Deathmatch
18 years ago2006-10-12 05:25:32 UTC
18 years ago2006-10-19 17:30:02 UTC
2.00 (2)
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Download (286.22kb)

I made this map in one day if I remember correctly, but it has become one of my most famous and popular maps ^_^"

The name "1337_street" says two things about the map: it's a street, it's for 1337 players. Basically it's a street with seven houses four of which can be entered and two cars. The fun at this map is that you can jump around with the gauss and fight on the roof tops - the taucannon is placed in the middle of the street with four gaussclips. Another great fun point is the accessability of the houses. Once you touch a door a sequence starts and you receive the crossbow + ammo, a health kit, a battery and get teleported into the house. In these houses you can break the windows and snipe around. In this map there's a lot of action all the time, because actually the map is one big room - some said it was a killbox (grrr). The map doesnt look as bad as a killbox although it's a simple look with little details, but the r_speeds are very good for the structure of the map (max 450!). When you leave a house through its door you will get the LongJump. This map is big fun for a game without lamers, it's for people who like flying around with the gauss and sniping through windows and have a lot of action all the time. want a Fun-Map? download now!

main points of the map:
  • gauss jumping a lot, street-theme
  • consists of 7 houses 4 of which can be entered + a street with 2 cars
  • 2-4 players recommended
  • hectic gameplay, tiny map size, basically one big room
  • no glueon, no beegun
  • you can enter the houses by touching the doors
  • doors which cant be entered have a broken-decal on it
  • windows that can be broken have a broken-decal on it
  • to get the LongJump leave a house through the door
  • entering a house gets you: crossbow + ammo, 1x healthkit + battery
  • if you wanna be good in this map you should know how to gauss jump


Commented 18 years ago2006-10-12 07:56:18 UTC Comment #13160
Hey i remember this map! I played it a couple of times on some n00by HLDM servers...

I don't really like the building though, add some trims, or support stuts.
Commented 18 years ago2006-10-12 08:59:03 UTC Comment #13161
As soon as I get home I'll check it out!
Commented 18 years ago2006-10-12 10:15:21 UTC Comment #13162
Very, VERY repetative texturing.
Commented 18 years ago2006-10-13 07:38:41 UTC Comment #13163
peepz this map was more like a joke when I made it.
I actually tested something with the gausscannon and made a simple house.
then I recognized how much fun it is to jump around from house to house.
and simply made a map out of it. This map is old and I wont change it anymore and of course I know that it looks very simple, but the main point why I uploaded this map is because its so much fun to play. for all you tausluts out there xD
Commented 18 years ago2006-10-16 13:14:51 UTC Comment #13181
Buildings seem to have good proportion.

Repetative texturing
Buildings has absolutely no archetecture. Just blocks.
Why did you have teleporters and trigger_pushes? It that some sort of lazy way to get to the top floor of the building without actually mapping a way up? It makes no sense.
The Road on ALL sides just cuts off. The map looks like a few buidlings floating in the middle of no where. Put some scenery.
The decals on the road were HUGE. Definitely out of proportion.
But I will say, It does look really fun to play. I love Gauss jumping.

All in all 2 Stars :D
Commented 18 years ago2006-10-19 17:22:13 UTC Comment #13214
there are no decals on the road... ?
the going inside sequence adds to the gameplay.
it gives the map a lot of speed.
Commented 18 years ago2006-10-26 21:27:38 UTC Comment #13348
Not bad at all for only 2 days of mapping!

The method you used of entering builings was quite "unique" :)

Simple Architecture, Simple texturing, not so much detail, but a fun-looking little DM just the same.
Commented 2 years ago2022-01-30 17:34:29 UTC Comment #104062
This is still being played on HLDM servers. It plays better than it looks

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