Counter-Strike CS
TP by Cnopsj
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-19 12:09:49 UTC • Completed • Counter-Strike
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Cnopsj Cnopsj
17 years ago2007-03-19 12:09:49 UTC
17 years ago2007-03-19 12:09:49 UTC
1.00 (1)
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Download (47.87kb)

Special map for a belgium clan named team phoenix
it's a small funny map (nice to knife etc.)


Commented 17 years ago2007-03-19 13:35:42 UTC Comment #14410

No thought was put into this at all.
For shame.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-19 15:46:41 UTC Comment #14413
The sad part is that we are limited to 2 MB map uploads because we need to leave room for this type of maps :(
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-19 17:54:26 UTC Comment #14415
Ok, first of all, you all have no heart nor sympathy. this kids prolly crying in a corner right now. Youre all evil!

With that being said, there right. Put a little effort and creativity in your maps! Also, if u want to make maps for people to actually play, dont post on here. This is a site for art and creativity rather than maps for the actual game. My advice to u is make your maps but not to post them on here but rather email them to a couple friends who own a server and ask them to put it on there.

Yet the fact remains, no1 is going to want to play a map like this. learn how to use different entities and get some neat architecture. The maps that get played the most are simple yet creative.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-19 19:06:33 UTC Comment #14416
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-19 19:18:11 UTC Comment #14419
"This is a site for art and creativity rather than maps for the actual game."

I don't know how you got that idea, but you're totally wrong. :

Still, don't go posting your first (or second or third) maps here, please. They aren't worth it, no matter what you think. If you become a well known mapper, then people might want to see your earlier works out of interest, but 95% of the time they aren't fun to play.

Now, the problem is that when people are told this, they start thinking they might be part of that 5 percent. It's not true, and you'd just be tricking yourself to think so.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-19 19:59:21 UTC Comment #14420
I think the "TP" really stands for "toilet paper" because this is the kind of thing I use to wipe the shit off my ass.
No, that was harsh, sorry.
Really though, there is a fine line between a fun map that looks bad and a maps that blatantly scream "I DIDN'T TRY!". Better luck next time, stick around TWHL and you'll get the kind of help you need to do better in the future.

And Srry: The best advice will come from critisism found on someone's first map. I HATE it when people tell new guys not to release their first map. Its a load of bullshit, a lot of people have something worth showing off. And if it doesn't live up the community's standards, big deal. Help the guy improve.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-19 23:53:38 UTC Comment #14422
"I think the "TP" really stands for "toilet paper" because this is the kind of thing I use to wipe the shit off my ass.
No, that was harsh, sorry."

Damn funny, though.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-20 02:14:10 UTC Comment #14423
??? ???? ?????
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This comment likely had Cyrillic text. A database migration broke non-ASCII characters. - Oskar Potatis 2022
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-20 04:46:57 UTC Comment #14424
First of all, put an in-game screenshot if you can (It should look better). Now before posting a map on TWHL, think, does it look decent to play? Did you actually spend good amount time putting really good effort into it? Give it to a friend or a TWHL member to try it out. You might (or should I say will) get bad comments from it but just improve from em. Get ideas from them.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-20 04:48:21 UTC Comment #14425
sorry for double post Forgot to mention you can put it into the Unfinished category, get comments on that, build on from there.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-20 12:09:26 UTC Comment #14428
Man, this really makes me sad.

This map gets lots of replies, while most good maps here get like 1 or 2.

Stop bashing maps like these, what is it going to solve?
Try to give some advise on how to improve instead.
Then maybe in the future, he'll start posting some beautifull maps.

Personally I don't mind people releasing their 1st map.
They can improve their mapping abilities from helpfull replies.


About the map itself, don't place the spawn points so close to each other, trust me, getting killed while you spawn is really annoying.
The map is just a big block, try to make some trees or something to give the map a feeling of a place, realistic or unrealistic.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-20 23:52:32 UTC Comment #14434
Negative reaction generally motivates people to post something rather than positive ones.
Commented 17 years ago2007-03-29 19:41:26 UTC Comment #14523
either that or it just makes the person you commented on hide in shame and cry...
Commented 17 years ago2007-04-05 13:22:35 UTC Comment #14579
try making maps with wide open space, like cs_deathmatch, or two boxes separated with corridors or something. That kind of maps are good for training "newborn" mapmakers. But the "toilet paper" comment threw me up from my seat, and I can't stop laughing!

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