This is a map I made today , as a thing I would do after finishing all the exams . Map made in 5 hours ....
If you would like to judge it , the do it .... I know you'll have a lot of things to say ( bad things , of course )
But more important than this : play it ! please !
Your inside areas are nicely detailed and lit, and have some nice architecture (though a little blocky in some parts) and doodad ideas. The func_tank was awesome! (did you make that too?)
I like the whole layout and size of the map, and that was probably the most impressive part of the map to me. Not to complex, not too simple; not to big, not too small.
While there is some nice detail in the map, the main "arena" part is mono textured walls and plain. The torches are oddly placed and might be better as pieces of burning, exploded bits of truck or something.
FY maps are supposed to have weapons scattered around but there are none to be found.
All in all an impressive work for only 5 hours, but not really a complete map imo, so i'm not rating. Still, some pretty cool stuff and i hope to see more maps from you.
p.s. - ur right about the downloads here... you won't get a lot at this site .
Edit : 5 hours because i started in a day ( 2 hours) and completed it next day ( 3 hours) .
I said "else I'll say this site is shit at downloading (if the map isn't downloaded at least 30 times )"
And =>495.7KB - BSP
68 downloads . Well , TWHL isn't shit !