A fairly simple awp map designed primarily for gameplay and awp practice. Yes, the r_speeds are a bit high, reaching 1600 w_poly's in some places, but thats due to additional detail rather than lazy mapping lol =/
rate, comment, love/hate =]
comments would be awesome... =|
All in all a very nice awp map. I haven't played cs in a long time, but this reminds me of scout-knives for the awp. Geometry and lighting is nice. Layout is pretty cool with interesting stairways and hallways leading to bunkers below, at and above ground level. detailing is pretty good for one of these maps.
Since i don't play these, i really don't know how to guess at how the gameplay would be. It's a clean map with some nice work put into it though, but i wansn't blown away by anything, so i guess i'll go 4 stars.
I'm not even sure what to recommend for a map like this, since above-all the gameplay would be most important. I guess you could add fancier textures, and detail items as your wpolys will allow, and some sounds too as long as it doens't make the gameplay too buggy.
Anyway, pretty nice map, hope to see more from you in the future! = )