
Half-Life 2 HL2
compo26_darktree by Dark Tree
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-03 09:11:00 UTC • Unfinished • Half-Life 2
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Dark Tree Dark Tree
Half-Life 2
16 years ago2008-11-03 09:11:00 UTC
16 years ago2008-11-06 20:33:22 UTC
4.00 (1)
full star full star full star full star empty star Download (2.14mb)

A single player puzzle solving map in which the goal is currently to explode all of the barrels in the map. It is in early stages of beta, and feedback would be greatly appreciated as to what I need to fix. There are a lot of visual annoyances and some playability issues to be worked out, as well as some unfunctioning areas, but is perfectly completable most of the time.

Let me know what you guys think so I can improve this bsp!!


Commented 16 years ago2008-11-03 17:23:07 UTC Comment #17120
:s that was hard.
did it in 5 mins tho with sv_gravity :>
Commented 16 years ago2008-11-03 18:11:19 UTC Comment #17124
This entry was pretty cool. The ambience gave it a neat feeling and the pyramids were really cool looking. The tunnel underground was neat but tackily put together and could be perfected with simple vertex manipulation. I couldn't really tell what the treasure chest was because it looked more just like a box. When I finally got to the part of the exploding barrels it was a really cool sequence and things began to make sence. Overall it was a really cool puzzle but some brush work and better directions would make it more enjoyable.
Commented 16 years ago2008-11-04 12:34:18 UTC Comment #17128
oh right didnt rate it
Commented 16 years ago2008-12-12 14:12:18 UTC Comment #17181
I dunno i get this error:

Nobody else mentioned it so maybe it's my macchine?

EDIT: Oh LOL it's for source! I'll play it and rerate... (i really want to destroy some barrels)
Commented 15 years ago2009-01-29 08:08:47 UTC Comment #17259
First thing i want to mention is i played this map stone sober, and could only find the first pyramid, and after awhile i just gave up. then, upon coming home one night all fucked up i found like the first 5 right away! GO FIGURE = )

Things i liked:

+some nice structures and the pirtate guy was lolz.
+some of the effects like the pyramids and some of the contraptions
+mostly nicely textured
+a neat "feel" to the area

-i couldn't get any farther than the puzzle where you have to hit the button and run to the trap doors. I tried like 10 times and then tried 10 more times with hax, but i still couldn't get it. this is the point i gave up.

-at first i didn't like the fact that one pyramid would not show until the preceding one was located, and even then you have to be a minimum distance away to see it in the first place... then i thought those aspects were sorta fun i guess.

-Mad because i couldn't get past the trapdoor pyramid and see the other neat setups.

If you were to do this again i would consider using HLife_hotdog's "hint" system. that way you can choose whether or not you want a hint, and you can still complete the game if you get stuck on the puzzle.

Anyway, nice entry man!

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