Compile time-reducing stairs method

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Compile time-reducing stairs method by Archie
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-27 20:17:21 UTC • Examples • Other
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Compile time-reducing stairs method
Archie Archie
15 years ago2009-07-27 20:17:21 UTC
15 years ago2009-07-27 20:44:27 UTC
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Includes .rmf & .vmf

Shave ages off your VIS compile times, and improve r_speeds in your maps!

It really is as easy as pie.
Very useful for saving r_speeds in both Source and Goldsource.

Instead of the usual methods of building your stairs block by block, start off by making a triangular ramp where your stairs will be. Texture this in BEVEL or NULL in Goldsource, or NODRAW in Source.

Now, create your top step and use the clip tool or vertex manipulation tool to make it a triangle, the bottom face of which lines up with the ramp you've just made. This should also be textured in NULL, BEVEL or NODRAW.

Next, press shift+a to bring up the face editor and texture ONLY the top and front faces of your stair. It is important that the faces out of sight remain un-drawn.

Now tie your stair to an entity. In Goldsource - use a func_wall. In Source, use func_detail.

Finally, duplicate this stair down the ramp until you have a fully-functioning, and very cheap-to-render staircase. Using this method drastically reduces VIS compile times!

Check the .rmf for a detailed example.


Commented 15 years ago2009-07-27 20:37:55 UTC Comment #17697
Elegant. :>
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-27 21:18:54 UTC Comment #17698
If the surface below a player or model is null or bevel, the view model will turn black. All of this is correct except you cannot bevel or null the ramp underneath. I'm sure it is different for Source. Goldsource models sample their lighting from the surface beneath them.

I did this on Sancefar, when the player goes on the stairs they turn black.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-27 21:28:22 UTC Comment #17699
Oh. Unfortunately i only tested in HL1SP and Source, so i never noticed that.

Definitely the issue doesn't exist in Source.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-28 01:49:49 UTC Comment #17700
I bet this was prompted by our little stair discussion, huh?
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-28 06:45:42 UTC Comment #17701
Or the stair tips picture I linked to him months ago.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-28 10:38:29 UTC Comment #9934
Great, I'm sure this will be very useful for everyone.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-28 14:28:22 UTC Comment #9935
Nice tip.
Commented 15 years ago2009-07-29 10:48:36 UTC Comment #8397
Never thought of making my stairs entities.
I might have to do this from now on!
Commented 15 years ago2009-08-21 16:07:48 UTC Comment #17716
Very nice work sir. I lol'd at the brushwork checkmarks and "no" signs too... AWESOME. nice to see people are still making example maps!
= )
Commented 13 years ago2011-11-09 22:25:43 UTC Comment #19543
thumbs up!
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-30 19:24:10 UTC Comment #20124
I would func_wall the hole stairs at once and to reduse black models in HL1 i would not null texture the triangle underneath, but put a normal texture on it and scale 2.0.

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