My cough masterpiece for the TWHL Cubicles
This will "definitely" be updated later after I've made it better.
In the meantime, have a walk around, take in the atmosphere, and tell me what you think is good and what you think could be made better. Feedback welcome wanted.
There's really that little to say 'bout it, huh?
It's not bad. It's a little dark, but rather reminds me of Undertow. It feels a little cramped, but that's understandable. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing the finished product.
Nicely detailed and imaginatively lit.. Great cubicles entry! Neat little micro-labyrinth layout you've got there.
5 stars
- 5/5 stars for use of space
- 4.5/5 stars for lighting
- 4/5 stars for brushwork
hmmm... what else is there...?Alright. 4.5/5 stars for you!!!
Now go make something big.
Actually, that's not a bad idea... Once I get around to finishing it for good, maybe I could turn it into a 1v1 deathmatch map.