Fullscreen081710 UPDATE: Tweaked sounds and "drink" sign timing. fix'd some face splitting under table.
A somewhat refined power hour timer, based on the one i originally built whilst my friend and i were actually playing the game..
= )
Rmf is included, so feel free to customize and make changes if you'd like to use it!
I might update to include seconds in the timer, refine sounds, and possibly make a reset button, but probably not.
Note: The white DEVELOPMENT texture is by Rimrook.
It's usually made to a mix of 1 minute long tidbits of music on a CD, and every time the music stops you drink.
It just gets you hammered really fast.
I've always known it to be the same as tetsu0, one shot of beer for every minute. The amount of beers you actually drink depends on the size of the shot glass and how hai you fill it up, but i've found it to usually be about 6 beers.
= )
Colossal win on this one.
funniest part about this: when i made the map i was sitting in my friends room with my laptop, and i made the map right then and there to play pour hour =)
(i didn't spill one drop of beer on my laptop either, which i consider a major achievement)