Camera, lights, multimanagers! Training map

Half-Life HL
Camera, lights, multimanagers! Training map by Darkydude
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-08 16:06:49 UTC • Problems • Half-Life
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Camera, lights, multimanagers! Training map
Darkydude Darkydude
13 years ago2012-01-08 16:06:49 UTC
13 years ago2012-01-08 16:11:23 UTC

I decided to create a horror training map like seen on AOM for really no reason so I decided to make one as a test though it's all working well except for one tiny bug...

I have placed a bunch of path_corners (c0,c1,c2,c3...) followed by a trigger_camera (camera2) and a func_train (train1) which is all activated by a multi_manager (sequence3). This is all working correctly, but when you play the map in-game the camera floats across the hallway to a path_corner (c4 I think) and it fires on pass the multi_manager (sequence4) to open a door which was once blocked by a fence (storagedoor1) then it should activate a light_spot (needed_light) which should turn on 2 seconds AFTER sequence4 is activated, yes a value of 2 which as in delay... but the strange thing is, the light_spot only turns on for a duration of 2 seconds rather than have a delay of 2 seconds then activate and stay turned on.

I've tried to explain this as straight-forward as possible so it is now up to someone to help me.

Regards, David.

Textures and some models are created by ruMpel&Minuit (AOM and CoF Developers) and are NOT created by me while the map IS.

Also contains some prefabs by someone here on TWHL can't remember which name, but credits to him also...

Oh yea, this map doesn't include the models so expect ALOT of things missing!


Commented 13 years ago2012-01-09 12:58:22 UTC Comment #13965
I played thorough what you have, and i have to say it's looking very nice! I couldn't pick up the key in the closet fsr, even noclipping.

As far as your problem, i'm not entirely sure what you want to accomplish, but i will try reading your description again when i'm less tired. A couple general tips i can think of though:

-Use MMs when ever possible rather than an entities built in delay. It gives you more control and is generally more reliable.
-make sure your MMs are set to multithreaded if you want them to work over and over again.
-check your filenames and entity values and make sure everything is correct.

I wish i could give you more detailed tips about HL trains, but i was never very good with them. you can however search the forums/mapvault/tutorials for "train" and "tracktrain" and "trigger_camera", and you're bound to find some helpful info.

good luck sir! :P
Commented 13 years ago2012-01-09 18:49:26 UTC Comment #13945
Hehehe!! A professional saying that my map is looking nice means alot to me!

It's ok, nothings behind the door on which it is supposed to unlock, I think it only really works when this map is played on AOM:DC, cause it was made in it I guess, special code.

Too bad you can't see the models, It looks WAY better, though I have habit of creating stuff outside the box (If you now what I mean) making the world look like a bigger, vast place! - love doing it too.

To be honest, It's actually my first proper map... instead of creating simple cubes for testing!

EDIT: No need to give a solution, its already been issued in the forum but thanks for the reply!
Commented 13 years ago2012-01-10 11:23:06 UTC Comment #13939
lol professional what!? :P

Glad you fixed it, and NOW i remember the thread in the forums, duh! good luck with the map, looking forward to more!

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