Gift for:
PenguinboyMade for the
TWHL 2013 Last-Minute Christmas Gifts COOP.
Instructions1. Copy 2013_penguinboy.bsp to your maps folder
2. Type "map 2013_penguinboy" <enter> in console(no quotes).
3. Choose Counter-Terrorists as your team!
4. Enjoy!
Screens for those who can't load the mapNotesThere was WAY more i wanted to do with this and ideas up the ying-yang, but no time, not to mention what little i finished took much longer than expected... I wanted to add more physics props, as well add variations on the theme with different "dump" contents, but it caused way too much lag
Same thing happened with my Floating Island Contest submission, as it crashed for the judges for no discernible reason....
Only after uploading it to the workshop made it playable for them, and i really don't want to upload this to the workshop... ='(
There really isn't much to the map. it's basically just a prefab and a reasonable amount of prop_physics_multiplayers..
Aw well. Take a look at the vmf if you want to check it out, because i don't know how else to fix it...
Do you think it could be an issue with pakrat?
It's the thought that counts, though! Thanks, CapT! I don't have any time (or talent) to return the favour though
Try to enjoy the frosty screens, and roll around in the vmf if you are REALLY bored =P
... why did you do it for CS?
As Dimbark would say, because i'm a "silly billy"