G-Man has given you (Gordon Freeman) a new mission, Barney has been captured by the H.E.C.U. and he's inprisoned inside the "HECU House".
You will have to infiltrate the house, find Barney, and rescue him! Good luck.
This is my 2nd released map, the first one was ultra garbage, this map is a million zillion times better, i hope you will enjoy it!
Technically this is 3 maps, i had to split the map into 3 parts.
Known bugs: The doors can get stuck on stuff like corpses, so you will have to destroy them if the door gets stuck. I don't know how to fix that.
Texturing — 8
Ambience — 7
Lighting — 6
Gameplay — 8
The architecture throughout is basic, but in a classic sense that fits the Half-Life theme really well. There are only a few parts where the brushwork is a little obscure, making it hard to discern what a particular object is supposed to be. There are a few instances of what I assume a prefabs that have been flipped and don't behave correctly.
- A vending machine full of cockroaches that appeared to pull me towards it where I assume it was intended to push the roaches out.
- A toilet with a flush handle that rotates in the wrong direction, away from the cistern...
- Another vending machine where the buttons jump outwards towards the player when pressed.
Texturing as again fairly basic which fits the bill nicely given the simplicity of a lot of the environments. It also has a few of the same pitfalls, with one object in particular that looked like a glass block in the back of a truck which was supposedly made of meat??? No idea what that was meant to be.Ambience is good throughout with plenty of ambient noise in the background and no area comes to mind that was completely silent. One odd moment concerns a mortally wounded guard near the prison sells who simply and calmly says he had a long night and is going to wait where he is, only to die moments later...
Lighting is probably the lowest scoring factor in the pack for me. The outdoor sections are fine, with the start of the map being dimly lit and brightening up as the sun rises in the later maps, but the interiors lack variety, often using a sickly yellow light and nothing else. This looks terrible in my opinion. For the interior spaces in future, consider putting smaller coloured highlights up towards the ceilings, under grates in the floor or in shadowy corners just to add a little variation in the colours on display.
Texturing — 8
Ambience — 9
Lighting — 10
Gameplay — 7
really tough hit scanner combat, be ready for it
Tried to save barney but nothing happened (really annoying herding him though doors)
Feel like I should have given him a real rescue (he didn't even buy me that beer)
Over all cool mod but a lame ending
Texturing — 9
Ambience — 7
Lighting — 6
Gameplay — 8
I like it
But really, a lame ending after rescuing barney from the HECU Soldier