
Half-Life HL
Space-ship by Tlax
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-17 14:18:06 UTC • Unfinished • Half-Life
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Tlax Tlax
20 years ago2004-01-17 14:18:06 UTC
20 years ago2004-01-20 07:41:13 UTC
4.00 (2)
full star full star full star full star empty star Download

A map I have build on under long time but, it givs me no inspiration.
What shall it be of this?


Commented 20 years ago2004-01-17 19:47:25 UTC Comment #767
This looks really good! Some nice ideas, I like the way the doors open, and the space port was cool! Perhaps you could have a spaceship come into it. Lots of hard work must have gone into this so far. The green hallways look interesting, but they need some different color or something to break them up a bit.
Commented 20 years ago2004-01-20 07:46:59 UTC Comment #786
Sorry Stusaysyo
I have miss your map "Space"
I have now rename my to Space-ship,
But it is only a working name so far.
Commented 20 years ago2004-01-20 12:03:03 UTC Comment #787
Wow. This map is detailed as hell.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-03 03:09:04 UTC Comment #1143
do u mind putting in the rmf? because ppl are learning and
i don't see any point whatsoever of copying it.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-18 01:30:36 UTC Comment #6817
Fricking amazing Mr. Bigglesworth! This map totally blew me away...I couldn't breath for like thirty seconds after walking through the corridors...simple and beautiful, and all HL sounds and textures? Rarely do I encounter maps of this level of quality and seamlessness.

Can I be your understudy? :)

Commented 19 years ago2005-10-09 13:08:47 UTC Comment #9389
I saw this map pop up, on the front page, and I thought I'd give it another runthrough, now that I'm a bit more knowledgeable about HL than the first time I reviewed this, and I remembered liking it a lot.

Among my favourite parts of this map are the airlock, the maintenance access door at the beginning, and of course, the momentary rotating button door, with the env_renders--this door blew me away!!!

The general lighting is pretty much perfect, except maybe lightening here, and darkening there a little bit. The sounds you used for the doors were expertly choosed--you made the most out of the original sounds--, but there was no background ambience, which was probably the biggest letdown of the map :(

But back to the good stuff... The texturing on this map is some of the best I've ever encountered for original HL textures, as well, their alignment was impeccable! I loved the computer screen thingies too! One suggestion for those would be to make them emit light, and the rest of the room darker, sort of like a submarine bridge station.

Please finsish this for us and/or release the source for this map!!!

5 stars in my opinion, even if it's unfinished :)
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-09 05:14:02 UTC Comment #21181
There's some nice details and entity work in here. I wonder if you ever used it.

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