Plot: Gordon Freeman returns back from xen a little sooner than he expected. Losing all of his weapons during the teleport. He wakes up in a strange room...
Note: The first elevator section and beyond might be a little hard, but nothing too crazy. The ending is a bit rushed, just wanted to get this map done.
This map was basically a cool idea I had once. This isn't exactly my first map, but this is my first map uploaded ever. This project took too long but thank goodness I actually finished it. I may or may not fix any bugs reported in the comments, all in due time. This map is not my best work but I did indeed finish it. Won't take you long to complete it. I hope you enjoy playing it, if you didn't then I am sorry. Please at least give me criticisms and tell me what parts I did well. I would like to improve on gameplay.
Update: Minor Stuff. Added zombies to the side hall before the second big storage room with the red shipping containers. Also in the first big hallway, I added a massacre to add to that area. Added a few screams to a few areas, added a music track when you first leave the first safe room. Might add more later.
Although this costume campaign is short, it's still a fun map to be played under an hour.The Level Design... Like the wall, decorations could be improved upon further update.
I also wonder if the map make a use of info_node? So that would help the AI Traverse and find the player.