With the release of Condition Zero Deleted Scenes the engine now has support for sequence files. This is a simple scripting language that allows some game events to be scripted and triggered using the
Sequence file syntax revolves around blocks. A block is a list of commands to execute, or a list of sentence groups. Each block has a name that is used to refer to the commands from other blocks or map entities.
Block syntax depends slightly on the type of block, but it generally looks like this:
#firetargets = "start_music"
#firetargets = "hud"
#firetargets = "freeze_me"
#pause = 1
#firetargets = "start_dark"
This is an entry block, the primary type of block. More information about that can be found below.
There are two comment styles supported, single line and multi-line comments.
Single line comments start with a
and last until the end of the line.
Multi-line comments start with a
and last until the first
. Any text after a
will be treated as regular commands.
Training_Rec_talk0 cz_training/rec_latest
Sentence blocks allow you to define sentence groups that can be referenced much like sentences in
, only without the overall limit of 500 sentences. There is no defined limit to how many sentences can be defined using a sentence block, and these are available in addition to sentences in
To define a sentence block, start a block with
Training_Rec_talk0 cz_training/rec_theyarew
Training_Rec_talk1 cz_training/rec_latest
Training_Rec_talk2 cz_training/rec_elepast
This defines a sentence group named
with 3 sentences that are randomly selected whenever this sentence is played.
Multiple sentence blocks can be present in the same sequence file, but it is recommended to use a single block, typically at the beginning of the file to keep things organized.
Entry blocks
This is the primary type of block, used to define lists of commands to execute.
An entry block starts with a
followed by the name of the block, used to refer to it from a
#firetargets = "start_music"
#firetargets = "hud"
#firetargets = "freeze_me"
#pause = 1
#firetargets = "start_dark"
This defines an entry that triggers the entities with a targetname of
, then applies the commands defined in the entry block
, waits a second and then triggers
Command types
There are a few different types of commands, all sharing the same syntax for usage:
<symbol><Command name> [ = arg1 [, arg2, ... ] ]
A command starting with
is a regular command and will be interpreted directly.
Commands are used like this:
#firetargets = "start_dark"
The following are commands that can be used:
Command | Purpose |
noop | Explicitly does nothing |
firetargets | Triggers the entities with the given name |
killtargets | Removes the entities with the given name |
pause | Pauses execution of all commands to follow by the given time in seconds |
setdefaults | Sets the current modifiers as the default values for the remainder of the block |
repeat | Indicates whether this block should repeat execution or not. Defaults to 0, a setting of -1 will repeat infinitely |
sound | Specifies a sound or sentence to play |
sentence | Never used |
gosub | Obsolete, replaced by macros |
modifier | Not used directly |
postmodifier | Not used directly |
text | Sets the text to display on the HUD. This can be a localized string (starts with #) |
A command starting with '$' is a modifier. Unlike a
command modifiers will affect all commands that follow, until the modifier is changed.
Modifiers are used like this:
$speaker = "my_npc"
The following modifiers can be used:
Modifier | Purpose | Parameters |
speaker | Name of the NPC that should speak a sentence | 1 targetname |
listener | Name of the entity that the speaker should speak to | 1 targetname |
These modifiers are based off of the
entity, and the values found in the FGD for it should be used here:
Modifier | Purpose | Parameters |
effect | Sets the effect type | Integer value |
position | Position on screen, as normalized coordinates in the range [ 0, 1 ], or -1 for center | 2 float values (x, y) |
color | Text color as an RGB value, in the range [ 0, 255 ] | 3 integer values |
color2 | Effect color as an RGB value, in the range [ 0, 255 ] | 3 integer values |
fadein | Fade in time, in seconds | 1 float value |
fadeout | Fade out time, in seconds | 1 float value |
holdtime | Text hold time, in seconds | 1 float value |
fxtime | Effect hold time, in seconds | 1 float value |
channel | Channel to display on | 1 integer value |
A command starting with
is a macro expansion, also referred to as a "gosub" by error messages.
A macro expansion allows one entry block to be applied to another, effectively allowing you to group commands together and reuse them.
Since macro expansions reference entry blocks defining a macro to reuse is the same as defining an entry block.
Using a macro is straightforward:
This will expand the contents of the
entry block at the current position in the current entry block.
Writing sequence files for your maps
Sequence files are automatically loaded by the engine based on the map name. The sequence file should be placed in
and have the extension
to be loaded correctly.
The sequence file
is automatically loaded and all its contents shared with all sequence files, making it easy to share common definitions.