Nightmare: A horror map

Half-Life HL
Nightmare: A horror map by Soup Miner
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-02 21:14:57 UTC • Completed • Half-Life
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Nightmare: A horror map
Soup Miner Soup Miner
20 years ago2004-10-02 21:14:57 UTC
20 years ago2004-10-12 17:02:13 UTC
4.50 (10)
full star full star full star full star half star Download (548.97kb)

This is a horrifying map that is sure to keep you at alert at all times and most definatley will make you jump a good few times. if you have ever played a map called rc_moonside you might recognize the sounds and texture style of this map. Rc_moonside was my inspiration for this map. Well what am I still talking for? Play the map and get scared already!


Commented 20 years ago2004-10-02 22:05:29 UTC Comment #4217
It didn't really scare me overall. I suppose the scariness wore off once you expected a monster to be in every room.

Still, I liked this map very much. It seemed to be well thought out, and you notice it while you are walking through. The only thing I didn't like was that teleport thing at the start. That was unbelievably annoying.

Here's what I think of the map:
+Atmosphere - Pretty scary.
+Texturing - I think the texturing fit in real well.
+Lighting - It was pretty much lit completely the whole way through, but with the dark textures it didn't seem like it. Very very nicely done.
+-Monster Placement - It was quite good at the start, but it kinda went downhill towards the end.
-Ending - Preeety stupid ending. I eventually gave up. I could've kept runnin' all day. I really would've liked to see a good ending, even if you end up dying. Something scripted or something. It just didn't feel right being put into a room full of zombies.

Thats about it. I think it was a real good map which I enjoyed playing.

Well Done

4.5/5 stars (rounded to 5)
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-02 22:15:49 UTC Comment #4218
Worldcraft dude,

That was pretty good.

It actually scared me at a point, when I walked down the hallway and the scream went off as the face came toward me.

This is a great start to making horror maps, although, here is what I think could be made different on your next horror map:
  1. Use real textures, not like a wireframe thing. You need to make it more realistic in a horror map.
  2. Different enemies. Gargs go well with horror.
  3. It needs to be dark in some areas, with different colored lights and different effects.
  4. You need to spread out your monsters a little more.
Overall pretty good.

I like the pictures on the walls. That added a good scarry atmostphere.

Read my horror tutorial called "adding atmosphere" on this site before working on your next one (please make another horror map).

also I stretch the possibility of making a horror map-pack... maybe with a team...

overall it was a lot better than the crap usually in the mapvault, so I give it *****
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-02 22:21:05 UTC Comment #4219
Just played it again, since I was bored. I really liked the "Don't go outside the walls part." That was teh coolest :)
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-02 23:08:41 UTC Comment #4220
I think I screwed up with the sound cause I didnt hear much lol... But I think it was good anyway. IMO the pictures on the walls didn't match the setting - fake packman world with real pictures? Real textures would be better but I cannot complain.
It was good. Because the sounds werent right - the only time I jumped was running up those stairs with the headcrab at the top that just flew at me out of no where.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 03:55:57 UTC Comment #4221
Yeah, the sounds were borked for me too. Not bad, not bad at all! I must agree, the textures were...unusual to say the least. I thought that using lumbering, slow zombies wasn't a good idea...didn't keep me on my toes. 4 Stars.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 05:15:51 UTC Comment #4222
Very good, not particulary scary, but the hologram flying towards you was good.
+Nice textures.
+Nice placement of monsters.
+Don't go outside the walls.
+Lighting as Trapy said, I thought of Tron really when i saw the map.
-You get the assault rifle, would of been better without it.
-Ending, even though i got all but one zombie to kill themselves i couldn't kill the last one, and i just exited.
-The clocks where back to front with the 9 being where the 3 is supposed to be and so on.
-Sounds? where?

Still a great map, sa they are just minor concerns really.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 05:19:45 UTC Comment #4223
very well
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 05:33:13 UTC Comment #4224
what zombies i played but there were no monsters the only thing that jumped at me was the face goin boo
liked the wavy floor felt like i was on a hollodeck lol
it was neat though just didnt see any monsters ?
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 06:09:11 UTC Comment #4226
What? There are headcrabs and zombies! And the swimming things, can't remember their names...
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 07:49:16 UTC Comment #4227

Make sure you are playing in HL, and make sure you are playing in SP mode.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 08:21:07 UTC Comment #4228
texturing was... nice. loved that part where you gave an illusion of the hall getting longer as you waled down it. for the less knowlegable, you should write a tut onthat. 4 stars.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 10:30:22 UTC Comment #4229
Shit, that face made me wet my pants ;D
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 14:49:55 UTC Comment #4232
Sorry guys, I guess I shoudl have specified. You are supposed to die at the end so just stand there. Or leave.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 14:55:50 UTC Comment #4233
The sounds seemed to wok for very few people. Hmm, I redo a lesser version of it without so many sounds (about 25 ambient_generics, or more in this one all going on at once). Could be a sound overload but Ill take some out. If anyone would like to take this map a step further I still have some ideas left over and can make it even freakier. Let the vote begin!

-Come on! You know you wanted the 9mmAR, otherwise you would have died! (I'll add even more icthyousaurs and make the tunnel longer muhaha!)
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 16:17:44 UTC Comment #4235
I really, really want to play this, but when I try to download it I get a 90kb file which refuses to be opened instead of the seven hundred odd juicy kilobytes offered at the top of the page.


Please someone fix it!
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 18:24:47 UTC Comment #4236 email me and I'll send you the map. If you still play single player games on WON play this map on WON because I suspect there is a sound problem with steam users.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 18:28:45 UTC Comment #4237
Whoops, G_kid forgot to post this earlier, gah! Im hating myself for posting so much! The clocks are supposed to be like that. They are twisted and upside down etc. Its a weird map what do you expect?
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 20:04:34 UTC Comment #4239
instead of redoing it, why not start from scratch?
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-03 20:49:08 UTC Comment #4240
because I don't have enough ideas to start all over.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 07:32:40 UTC Comment #4244
It was fun. Nice work.

+did make me jump once (the face flying toward me hehe)

+Don't go outside the walls. Excellent.

+I didn't really get the texturing but that doesn't mean it's bad -- just didn't make me think "horror", but good work all the same.

+nice ghostly enemies and good placements

-bit short


-teleporter thing near start, irritating

This has inspired me to make my own horror map!

I expect it to take quite some time to make though.

I look forward to your sequel!

4 stars from me.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 12:09:45 UTC Comment #4252
Excellent stuff, well done WCD. I particulary liked the screaming face that shoots towards you in the weird hallway. Keep up the good work and make some more for us!
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 12:11:29 UTC Comment #4253
Yes, also, I liked the way the ickies try to get you in the dark, quite scary. One thing I would say though is you really need to sort the ending bit out, seems very abrubt.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 13:05:49 UTC Comment #4254
In the start it was actuly scary but in after a while its not scary anymore... A tip is to change the envierment after a while...
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 15:22:19 UTC Comment #4257
Screaming woman made me jump.

Make the clocks entities! Face splittin'!
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-04 16:38:49 UTC Comment #4261
I did make the clocks entites. ace splittin? Didn't see anywhen I tested it, weird. but thanks all for wanting to actually see my sequel (actually its just going to be an extended version of this... very extended).
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-05 15:32:19 UTC Comment #4265
Mhh... abstract...

I don't think the abstract style went well with the horror theme, but there were some nicely thought out scenes in there. Too bad I expected a real horror map so most stuff wasn't really horrifying. You should've created a more strong sense of... fear... The map doesn't build tension, it doesn't really give a lot of space to the players imagination, while especially that is very usefull for horror-styled maps.
Right now the horror is more based on unsuspected events rather than on tension. Personally, I expected more of this after your 'hyping' ;).

Oh, and next time, create a mod folder when you have custom resources... easier to install... :)
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-05 15:33:08 UTC Comment #4266
As for the clocks, I noticed some face splitting too. In the console, type 'r_drawentities 0' to make entities invisible. It's then easy to spot the clocks you forgot... :)
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-06 20:58:59 UTC Comment #4287
hehe nice! :) you pulled off some cool effects. that just goes to show that theres more to making fun maps than just filling them with detail. can you go into any of the other rooms, or just the one with the skelleton on the bed?
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-07 19:09:13 UTC Comment #4348
Well if you missed the right room the first tme you will have been teleported to the beginning of the map, so... no.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-08 18:57:03 UTC Comment #4360
This is the best horror map i've played !

and that part with the face..... that scared me the most anything has in a long time !
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-09 20:35:04 UTC Comment #4383
Funny, I expected "Dont go outside the walls" to scare everyone but that face is getting everyone. Oh well, as long as people are satisfied.
Please tell me the sounds worked.
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-12 12:22:45 UTC Comment #4444
Nice, a very original and daring map. The unusual textures add to the feeling of the map. Just imagine it with normal HL textures, it wouldnt be the same...
After reading the reviews, I already knew what kind of scares I was gonna face, but it was fun none the less. Oh, the teleports were annoying ;)
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-29 16:28:18 UTC Comment #4800
I played this map and loved it. I really liked the theme with the neon and black, very different. The head crab made me jump and the dont go outside the walls was freaky. Sure its not perfect but what is? 5/5
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-29 19:56:27 UTC Comment #4805
This map is real hot stuff! It would never cross my mind to make anything like this! Well, I'm new in this bullshit of mapping and modding, and I've got some experience in this, so I can't really qualificate a map as good or bad... but for me is really good. Contine WCD!!!!!!!
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-29 20:03:16 UTC Comment #4806
SORRY WCD!!!!! Send me the map to my e-mail ( I suppose the file is corrupted!!!!!
I get a 220 kb file!!!!!
Commented 20 years ago2004-10-30 18:39:09 UTC Comment #4830
WCD, thanks you a lot for the map! Damn! It was very good. As I said before, continue on mapping, you're good.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-10 00:43:07 UTC Comment #6706
this map reminded me of american mgees alice, or at least being on some kind of hallucinogen. real good map i liked the feel. screaming woman and flying face got me the most.
Commented 19 years ago2005-10-20 04:58:37 UTC Comment #9484
i know this is old but ive just tryed it and i love it, the first door scared me a little bit and the face was an awsome scare, i loved those zombies and the headcrabs hologram effect, very nice

i'll give you a big 5
Commented 14 years ago2011-01-29 23:26:29 UTC Comment #18793
Commented 13 years ago2011-10-10 21:46:47 UTC Comment #19502
how have i never seen this before?! <downloading>
Commented 13 years ago2011-11-29 22:57:42 UTC Comment #19603
Haha NOT what i expected!

+Func concept idea
+higly intereactive
++creative trickery
+enjoyable gameplay
+good use of sound/ambience
+/-the theme was not the prettiest, but it worked and was unique.
+/-not very scarry, but i guess you pulled off the dream-likedness, "abstract" quality off pretty good. (not like your more recent "horror" maps)

-there is no directory structure whatsoever

Interesting and fun gameplay. very creatively done and good ingenuity. (i would never think to use those swimming creatrues could be used out of water) you could have color rendered them slime green for a excellent likeness of slimer from the ghostbusters! =)

Also interesting you can render the models transparent; i had no idea you could do that.

All in all an oldie but goodie. 3.5 rounds up to 4 stars.

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