Two Towers

Half-Life HL
Two Towers by satchmo
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-11 19:25:04 UTC • Completed • Half-Life
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Two Towers
satchmo satchmo
20 years ago2004-11-11 19:25:04 UTC
19 years ago2005-11-12 13:42:13 UTC
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Single-player version of the Two Towers.

You've infiltrated the watch towers of a remote military outpost, but your cover has been blown. You have killed the commanding officer, but now you have to finish off the rest of the squad.

Watch out for raining grenades!


Commented 20 years ago2004-11-13 13:53:47 UTC Comment #5035
I've tweaked the map to reduce the r_speeds a bit. Hopefully this will facilitate the fast-paced gameplay.

Enjoy, and try not to die.
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-14 14:40:03 UTC Comment #5044
Im here to make comments:)

- too easy
- no story
- no architecture(all of them are prefabs)
- monster placement sucks
+ at least its kinda fun


sory:(.Well actually this was a DM map not a SP but your museum lockdown sp map is better than this.
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-14 18:46:08 UTC Comment #5049
Thanks for the input, Saco. It's funny that you think it's too easy, because Captain P thinks it's much too challenging.
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-14 18:57:07 UTC Comment #5050
Well... this map was completely ... kick-arse!

+Nice Gameplay
+Nice Architecture
+Layout was pretty cool

overall.. a 4/5.
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-14 19:10:45 UTC Comment #5051
:) How interesting people's opinion can be so discrepant. But that's why we have a comment section, and democracy rules!
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-14 20:51:46 UTC Comment #5053
Hard in terms of an overload of grunts and a need for ammo, especially in the start. Often, such maps fall down into what I call 'glock sniping'. It leaves the player but few choices: rushing in, wich is often very hard, or glock sniping, wich I find often very boring as it's nearly not challenging. IF you have a glock, of course. So in this case it's just a hard map (not for everyone, it seems).

Now I understand it's hard to make combat interesting, but I also think a player doesn't neccesarily have to engage into combat immediatly. In games you often see a certain increase in difficulty. As the player gets more and different weapons, the combat also becomes harder and, hopefully, more interesting. I wouldn't advise you to use grunt enemies at the start immediatly, they're not the most easy ones, especially not at the start when the player is often still low on ammo (or experience?).

I'd also advise you to build things up throughout the level. Integrate the weapons into the gameplay. When the player has a shotgun, give him some opportunities for close combat. When he has the crossbow, let him do some sniping (but try to keep it challenging by not giving away all enemies, or making the snipe positions hard to get to or to stay at. Don't forget to reward a player after some hard fighting either...).

Also, a player doesn't always have to be in combat. Give him some breaks, a little puzzle in between, or just some exploring. Prevent the level from becoming boring so put in some things to keep him busy, or start building tension before the combat (wich can really raise your combat to higher levels, making it belong in the map). Gameplay is more than combat and puzzles alone, you know... :)

As for the environment, it'd be good to experiment with cover and the like. Don't give away too much of the map at first too, give the player something to explore. Ok, this is a small map and quickly made, but mind it for next maps. Players like to find new things, they often like secrets (fairly hidden ones ;)), the like it when they get rewarded after having done something hard. Otherwise you'll leave them unsatisfied...
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-14 20:52:38 UTC Comment #5054
So, challenging isn't the same as hard. :)
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-15 15:39:42 UTC Comment #5059
Indeed, more true words of wisdom from Captain P. I'll take all that into consideration once HL2 mapping gets rolling.

I did, however, provide the player with grenades in the beginning of this map. My original intent is to use them to clear the grunts waiting downstairs and also throw it across to the top of the other tower to eliminate the grunts with the RPG ammos.

With a well-thrown grenade, I could usually wipe out both of the grunts in the neighboring tower using just one grenade. It takes some practice and skill to lob the grenade accurately, but that's the challenge and fun of it.
Commented 20 years ago2005-03-22 06:25:30 UTC Comment #6324
Satchmo, this was a hard but fun map. Kept me on my toes and had lots of ways to approach the problem. Must use strategy on this map--only fools rush in. Maybe those having trouble with this aren't looking around before getting started. I spotted those grenades and pretty much followed the strategy you mention above (which I hadn't read yet.) Lob a well-placed grenade at the other tower, then another grenade down below at the boxes of explosives. A third well placed grenade in the near corner of the second tower area and the rest is dancing away from raining grenades. I liked it.

I only wished there had been a better ending. After killing everybody, being able to open the gate or something.
Commented 20 years ago2005-03-25 01:03:05 UTC Comment #6346
Thanks for the feedback, rifter. It's an old map, and I didn't spend too much time on it.

If you have HL2 already, play the map called sp_justice ( I spent almost three months on building this map, and I put a lot more thought into it than this simple map you played. The gameplay for sp_justice is just as interesting, and strategy is essential for your survival.

In fact, I wrote an extensive walkthrough for Justice, and you'll like the ending better. ;)
Commented 20 years ago2005-03-25 01:06:07 UTC Comment #6347
And if you don't have HL2 yet, you can play the other HL1 map I made ( It's also got interesting gameplay, and it's also very challenging. You have many ways of beating it, and using strategy is important.

I also have a comprehensive walkthrough for "Escape".
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-18 01:21:11 UTC Comment #6816
Didn't try this one, but I gave DM version +625 pts.
Commented 19 years ago2005-08-31 05:09:03 UTC Comment #8795
Captain P ,cant play SP well.That why he calls everything hard.
Right?Captain P

Commented 19 years ago2005-10-13 18:19:48 UTC Comment #9431
I agree that this map is pretty darn hard. I die many times myself playtesting it.

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